Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Walmart, This is Getting Ridiculous!

You may have heard the news by now. Black Friday has moved up to Thursday. What? Yes, you heard me right. This year, Walmart has decided to open for Black Friday on Thanksgiving Day at 8pm. This is wrong on so many levels. And I think something should be done about it.

It's been getting worse and worse every year. The times for these poor employees having to work the stores has been getting earlier and earlier. It used to be like 6am, then 5am, then 4am, then midnight. Now we are pushing it up to the actual holiday? Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day of spending time with family or friends and celebrating our many blessings. Giving thanks for all we have. I'm pretty sure spending Thanksgiving evening at Walmart does not qualify as giving thanks. That is in fact the opposite because that is saying, "I am thankful, but I need more."

We are so rich in this country. We have so much. Most of us have food and shelter, albeit some more than others. We have clothing and basic necessities, for the most part. There is so little we NEED. I can't believe that we have the need to shop so much so that 1 whole day dedicated just to shopping for deals is not enough. As if there aren't more days in the year before Christmas. Seriously? What about the rest of November and December? We really have push it up to the holiday itself.

I am pretty upset at Walmart right now. And I am learning from the advocacy group that I can do something about it instead of just venting on my blog. So I intend to do just that and would ask you, if you agree, to do the same. You can contact Wal-mart via their website and express your dislike of this policy. I did.

I have also learned that Target may be doing the same thing. A Target employee actually started a petition on change.org that you can sign agreeing with him that they should revoke this decision.

I am overall just so fed up with commercialism. And I truly believe that if you plan wisely and spend wisely then there is no need for you to have to stand in a line at 4am to get some "too good to pass up" deal. There are good deals all through the year. As far as I'm concerned Black Friday has become just that, a dark day in our culture, a day to celebrate our materialistic commercialism based culture. So raise a glass of overpriced wine and say cheers. "Here's to us and our never-ending addiction to more stuff! May we never be satisfied so stores will continue to pummel us with ridiculous ads and may we never grow the wiser to their strategies of enticement. May we spend in our lives working to gain and forget to enjoy what we have in the quest for more! Here's to Black Friday!"

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