Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chicago Cooking Expo a Bust- But Groupon Saves the Day!

I bought a two day/two person pass for the Chicago Cooking Expo that took place this weekend. I was so excited to check it out, that was, until we got there. It was sorely disappointing and 2 hours was enough, let alone 2 days. It was a complete waste of money and time.

We did find a few good gift purchases, but that's it. The samples were light and the booths few. Even the food trucks that were supposed to be there were not all accounted for. If it ever comes back to Chicago and you are thinking of attending, I would think twice. Such a disappointment!

After reading so many reviews of others that were disappointed I was at least happy to see I was not alone in my disappointment. Yesterday I received and email from Groupon saying in effect that they had received so much negative feedback from those who purchased the tickets for this event that they are offering refunds. So all we had to do was let them know if we wanted a refund. So I did just that and was super excited to get my money back.

Thank you Groupon for your awesome customer service! Not many companies would go out of their way to offer a refund, even to people who didn't ask for one. I will definitely continue to do business with you.

And if you haven't used Groupon before I would really encourage you to give it a try. John and I have used it for restaurants multiple times and you can find some really good deals. But they have all sorts of deals, for hotels, events, tours, car washes, etc...Go check it out and sign up today.*

*All the links are my affiliate link so I would get credit if you sign up.

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