Monday, November 12, 2012

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

When one of my favorite bloggers, Crystal of, wrote this e-book I was excited to check it out.  I set out to read this book and was going to blog about my journey, but sadly I got stuck after the first chapter. Just deciding on a project was too much of a task for me. So I am going to read this book and tell you what I gleaned from it afterwards.

I have gathered some great tips and strategies thus far for getting more discipline into my life. I'm just not sure that 21 days really works in my life for a project at this moment. We'll see. Either way, I look forward to gleaning as much wisdom and good advice that I can and I will pass that on to you as best I can.

I encourage you to check out the book for yourself. Just click the book on the sidebar of the blog to take you to the amazon page. It's $4.99 at amazon (e-book). I have heard lots of good things from other readers. And who knows, maybe in 21 days I will come back and have finished many tasks. I guess we'll find out together. We'll re-visit this in 21 days.

If anyone does read this book and has success with it, please let me know.

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