Thursday, November 15, 2012

Book Review: The Faith of Ashish

The Faith of Ashish - Book 1 of the Blessings of India Series
by Kay Marshall Strom

"Remember, you are Ashish. Remember, you are a blessing. Always and forever, remember who you are." These words, spoken to a small boy in India by his mother and father, are a true miracle in and of themselves. Their family suffers greatly as members of the lowest caste in the culture. And as Ashish makes a life-altering mistake his family become slaves to a "Christian" man of a high standing caste. This is their story.

You will want to keep reading this book. Even as it ended, I was ready for more. However, it is sad. I wanted to weep and pray for the people of India. The Hindu religion offers little hope. I wanted to tell these "untouchables" about the love of Jesus. I wanted to yell at the "Christian" land owner who was anything but. There is so much about the culture that is difficult to understand. However, love transcends all cultures and I am so thankful for missionaries there that are practically loving the Indian people. I am also thankful that God transcends all cultural differences and gives understanding and grace to people of all nations.

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