Thursday, November 8, 2012

IDOP 2012 - Please Take Action!

November 11, 2012 marks the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. There are so many ways you can take part in this, but I can give you one extremely practical way.

1. Go to the CAN (Christian Advocacy Now) website:

2. Click on the Prayer Vigil image on the homepage.

3. Sign up for a 5 minute time slot, or more, to pray for a country listed. There are prayer requests and info about each country on the site as well to make it that much easier.

4. That's it. You will get a reminder email with your time and country.

5. Pray when you signed up and feel good knowing that you are doing the most powerful thing you can for your brothers and sisters around the world. You are a part of God's kingdom work.

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