Friday, November 30, 2012

Trafficking Hits Close to Home

I came across this article via the facebook feed of Traffick Free. It is from ABC local news. Basically it details the conviction of a man running a prostitution ring in Mt. Prospect, IL. That's really close to home. I know it shouldn't surprise me, but it still does. I know that these things go on, but it is much more real when you come across something like this. The fact that he felt he owned these women is so appalling.

So that lends to some thoughts. This is going on. It's going on nearby. What can I do about it? There are many groups dedicated to eradicating human trafficking. Here are some steps from that you can take to help. Take Action.

Another thing you can do is donate time or money to organizations that help fight trafficking. International Justice Mission does work around the world to end human slavery. You can help them by making a donation to my campaign. Just click the link below. 

Donate to my campaign for International Justice Mission. 

This is not a problem that will be going away any time soon. But the more people know about what is going on the more chance there is for change.

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