Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Sale: Humans 2 for 1

Ok so yes, that is a little bit drastic of a headline and it's certainly not a headline we would see in any paper in the United States. But all across the world the human slave trade is at an all time high. Whether it is forced labor or sex trafficking, it is a horrible practice and something needs to be done. Awareness is part of the problem. This is not an issue talked about very often. It's not in the papers. It's not on the news. But it is happening. Humans are the latest hot commodity.

Many of these people who find themselves in these situations have next to nothing and no one to fight for them. There is little chance of escape on their own. That's where International Justice Mission comes in. They fight for these forgotten fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters. They fight for freedom and justice. This is worth fighting for!

Please join me as I raise awareness and funds to help support their mission at IJM. Giving up 1 cup of coffee from starbucks, 3 i-tunes downloads, 1 month of netflix, you name it... a small sacrifice (and I do mean small) could help rescue a person from the bonds of slavery and change their life forever!

Click the link below to donate.

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