Thursday, July 26, 2012


I am so tired of being accused of being intolerant and discriminatory as a Christian. I can't say that I personally have heard those exact phrases coming from people I am around on a regular basis because they know me. I am speaking in general terms here.

Why are we the only ones labeled as intolerant of others beliefs? What about the freedom we have to choose our beliefs. Last time I checked that right was still protected by the Constitution. I don't agree with the values of many people, and businesses in this world, but I don't expect them to change just because I say so. They are entitled to their opinions and beliefs.

I was "just a little" frustrated this morning reading about the controversy surrounding Chik fil a. They want to put one up in a Chicago neighborhood and from what I can gather, there were protests by gay rights groups and the Mayor actually stated that he doesn't want it because it doesn't promote the values of Chicago. Really? Do you speak for the entire city? Arggghh. What bothers me the most is the gay rights groups. I have no problem with you if you choose a different sexual orientation. Do I think it's wrong? Yes. Because God says so. I also think pride is wrong, and adultery and divorce, and so many things. Why? Because God says so. The bible is pretty clear on some things!

However, because I think it's wrong does that mean I hate people or discriminate against people who choose to sin, of course not. But I won't endorse it either. I don't think it's fair for these gay rights activists to expect that every person and every business (run by people and with certain values) will just embrace their mission just because they say so. It seems to me that what they are touting now is that by not endorsing them you are discriminating against them. How ludicrous! I've been to Chik fil a several times and I can tell you that they don't have anti-gay messages on the wall. They really do nothing to address the issue other than to adhere to biblical values. And aren't they entitled to do that?

People boast of tolerance and how intolerant us Christians are of people different then us, but they are intolerant of our beliefs and I honestly don't see what the difference is. Why can't they just accept that our views are different and that's not gonna change. I don't think they should expect it to.

It worries me for our future when we have mayors of cities making comments like that as well! Satan is at work my friends and he's working hard. I pray that as more of our freedoms come under attack that we will stand strong and not back down. Know your bible and use it to combat the lies of the evil one. We are commanded to love our neighbor, whether they are right or wrong, but we are not commanded to tell to them their sin is ok and embrace it. That is not love.

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