Friday, July 6, 2012

Staying Cool on the 4th

It has been a HOT summer. Muy Caliente mi amigos! So hot that my mind thinks I must've crossed the border. Ok, not really, but it has been hot. This is the hottest June/ July that I can ever remember! I can't say that I am sad by this. It means swimming is a definite option more often, but I do feel bad for those who have lost power with the storms and who have to work outside. It's brutal!

This 4th of July as John said more than a dozen times was actually, "hotter than the 4th of July." So how did we stay cool?

The kids pool has multiple uses and once they moved on to something else, we moved in. Ahhhhh

I think they got a little carried away.

We did have a few water balloon tosses and then there was an all out war. I watched and managed not to get hurt. I did get water dumped on me from a bucket though. It was cold and refreshing at the same time. Of course we played volleyball after the water fight to dry off and my arms are still recovering from that. A wonderful 4th of July, despite the heat, maybe even because of it.

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