Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Things I loved about my Vacation

1. The view from our mountain house.

This would never get old!

2. The Hot Tub.

Such a treat to have this available every night.

3. Being with family we don't get to see that often.

4. The food.

The wonderful family style meal of Daniel Boone Inn. I am still craving the fried chicken.
And of course we had some good bbq too! No joke, I gained 8 lbs on this trip and loved every minute of it.

5. The scenery.

I love the Blue Ridge Parkway!

6. The quiet serenity every morning brought and the hummingbirds.

I loved the morning clouds below us. My favorite breakfast spot was out on the deck listening the birds.

7. Shopping in Boone. Found some good deals and I loved the original, locally made items.

8. White Water Rafting. I don't have any pictures but it was class 3-4 rapids and it was a rocking good time! Didn't fall out of the boat, but a few of us came close once or twice.

9. Driving through the country. Something about driving through the country makes me yearn for the simpler life. I think this city girl is tired of the hustle and bustle of the city life.

10. Getting to see a sky of endless stars. Wow! I mean wow! I felt like I was at the planetarium, and John even saw a shooting star. I missed it while I was dealing with a mosquito feasting on my leg.

All in all, it was a great trip and I did not want to come home!

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