Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Relate

This past Friday my company had an outing at a place called Cybersport. It's kinda like whirlyball if anyone has done that. But basically you drive these bumper cards (the steering is a little joystick). Then you have a lacrosse type scoop that you use to catch, throw and scoop up this foam ball. There are two teams and you want to get your ball in the "basket". Needless to say, everyone is on the same playing field, mostly not very good. John and I had a fun time playing. He even scored a goal. I did well but no goals.

However, I guess company outings for me seem to be just more than a little awkward. They usually have open bars, which is no big deal, but it usually leads to at least one if not more conversations about alcohol consumption, which I have nothing to add. On the whole, I just feel like I have nothing to add to any conversation and mostly I find myself wondering how I can relate to these people who I seem to have so little in common with. Granted, some of the people who I have developed some better relationships with at work were not there, but still.

I know we are supposed to be in the world, but not of it. However, I am finding it difficult to relate to the world. I know that I am no better and without Christ I would probably be them. But I've been a Christian for so long that it's difficult to think of myself that way. I praise God that he spared me from many things in life. I just want to figure out how to relate to my co-workers more so I can love them well. Any suggestions?

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