Monday, July 16, 2012

Taste of Chicago

John and I decided to take off a day this summer and spend in it on the town. We headed downtown to do the Taste of Chicago and hang out at the beach. The beach didn't quite work out due to a storm that decided to hang out with us, but we still managed to have a nice time and we did get in some good grub at the taste.

Mustard Fried Catfish

Steak Jibrato (probably spelled wrong)

Coconut Ice (This definitely hit the spot on this 90 degree day)

We had to stand in line and get our picture taken to get this free ice cream. 

A tamale and a tilapia crusted taco.

The storm approaches

The storm lets loose.
Even though it wasn't exactly as we planned it, we had a nice time at the taste and got in some good exercise. We were still able to put our feet in the lake when the first storm passed and that was nice. I am just extremely thankful that we made it to Navy Pier before the sky let loose. And we also missed the second rain while eating dinner and on the train. So at least we weren't soaked. I was very, very thankful for that!

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