Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I love Mashed Potatoes!

Sunday we had some dear friends over to our place and decided to have a mashed potato bar for dinner.  I don't have any pictures so I will just have to paint some word pictures. Everyone brought a few toppings and we had ourselves a nice spread. First there were the potatoes: 2 pans full of hot, steamy, creamy, mashed potatoes. Then there were the toppings: chili, green onions, sour cream, cheese, salsa, olives, roasted garlic, broccoli, and a vegan "cheese" sauce (which was actually really delicious). It was quite the sight. As I filled my plate for round one it was hard to decide on what combination to start with. Eventually I did figure it out and sat down to eat and chat. It was good. And it was then that I thought, "I really love mashed potatoes!"

And for as much as I love them, we rarely eat them. I think this is something that I should be able to remedy since I am in charge of food prep in our house. Who knows maybe instead of pizza night we'll have to start having mashed potato night. Guess we'll see how that works out.

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun, Becky! Thank you for having us over - great company and delicious potatoes!! Three cheers for vegan cheese sauce. lol!
