Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spontaneity #2

Last Sunday I had another moment of spontaneity that surprised even me. On my way home from church I realized how beautiful a day it was outside. And I also realized that we had no specific plans for the day. So I suggested a picnic.

John was completely on board so we packed up some sandwiches and sides, water bottles and a blanket and headed out to the park. We walked to a nice quiet park nearby and just stretched out and made ourselves at home. It was so refreshing and calming. 
A flower we saw on our walk

Our picnic space
We ate and chatted and chatted some more and laid on our backs and looked at the trees and the sky and just had a really relaxing time just enjoying God's beautiful creation and each other. When my bladder was quite full we packed up and walked to Yogurtland where we got some dessert with a coupon I had. Then we found another spot nearby to have another mini dessert picnic. We eventually did head back home. It was just a perfect day and a reminder of how sometimes we need to just get away from all the gadgets and electronics and just be. We didn't "do" much. But it was one of the most enjoyable times I've had with John in while. Here's to the simple things in life!

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