Thursday, September 13, 2012

Book Review: Weak and Loved

Another free e-book. I have to say that I love the free books I am able to download with this kindle. I am so thankful for my Kindle Fire!

With 3 healthy children, 1 on the way and 1 having seizures that continue to get worse despite treatment this mother is completely spent and but by the grace of God would not have made it. You walk along side her in her pain as she shares her story. A story of pain and weakness, joy and laughter and a little hope. It's a story of love and the pain that it costs us and that pain that it cost God. Definitely much easier to read than to go through. Maybe this could offer comfort to any mom going through a tough time with a child. My heart goes out to you. May you become aware of God's love even in your weakest moments, days, weeks or years.

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