Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls is a chilling documentary about the plight of the sex trade and human trafficking. I was able to view a screening of this film and I knew going in that it was not going to be an easy film to watch.

In all honesty, I have been struggling with even how to approach this post. I cannot recount all the details of the film. Nor can I just spout statistics because those numbers don't show the people behind them. I can say that I was shocked, appalled, humbled, angry, sad, informed and generally overwhelmed by these stories. I wish I could do more to help, but this problem is epidemic.

I can and will continue to pray and petition and support laws in favor of protecting these women and children. I can and will continue to bring awareness to this important issue.

I urge you to check out this documentary. On the website you can find if there will be any screenings in your area. Or you can even buy a copy or host a screening yourself. At least watch the trailer and check out more about the film.  The only way that this horrific trade has a chance of becoming obsolete is by more and more people coming to a knowledge and understanding of the problem and determining to fight to make sure it ends.

The slave trade as most of us know it ended before most of us were born. However, this new slave trade, that sells and trades more humans than ever before in the history of mankind has risen up in it's place. This trade is not specific to one race. It spans the globe and while this movie primarily focuses on women and children, domestic slavery of all genders is another part of a larger problem. Please don't sit by and think that this doesn't affect you. You are human. The selling of another human is wrong and there are some things in life worth fighting for. It may not be you now, it may not be those you know, but it could be.

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls - Learn More

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