Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Run In With the Law

Last week I was summoned in for jury duty. I have been summoned about 2-3 times prior to this and never got on a case which was ok with me. However, this time, after sitting for most of the day I was selected for a jury.

It was a he said/she said case dealing with a violation of an order of protection that a woman had against her ex husband. There were kids involved as well and the story is just really sad in general. I have to say that I enjoyed being a part of this system of law we have set up though I felt a heavy burden of responsibility. Granted, we weren't sentencing this fellow to death or anything, but still, whatever verdict we decided upon would affect many lives. I think all my fellow jurors felt the same weight as we deliberated for 3+ hours before finally announcing our guilty verdict.

I found myself begging God for wisdom to see into the situation and see beyond what was actually there. I found myself praying for the victim, the defendant, the kids. I found myself grateful for our system of law. The judge thanked us after our service ended and reminded us again what a great judicial system we have and how the jury is the "great equalizer."

As corrupt as some of our officials, politicians, or law enforcement can be, overall, we do have a wonderful system set up to protect our citizens. As the judge reminded us, no one is going to come to our door from the police and drag us away never to be heard from again. When I look at the stories I post for the CAN facebook page on a regular basis it amazes me how many people are held in jail on trumped up charges. Others are not given a fair trail or a trail at all until years after their imprisonment. So many people are not privilege to the rights we have here in America. Innocent until proven guilty. That is a beautiful phrase. Thank you justice system for giving me this opportunity to serve and reminding me of why I am grateful to be a citizen in the USA.

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