Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Run In With the Law

Last week I was summoned in for jury duty. I have been summoned about 2-3 times prior to this and never got on a case which was ok with me. However, this time, after sitting for most of the day I was selected for a jury.

It was a he said/she said case dealing with a violation of an order of protection that a woman had against her ex husband. There were kids involved as well and the story is just really sad in general. I have to say that I enjoyed being a part of this system of law we have set up though I felt a heavy burden of responsibility. Granted, we weren't sentencing this fellow to death or anything, but still, whatever verdict we decided upon would affect many lives. I think all my fellow jurors felt the same weight as we deliberated for 3+ hours before finally announcing our guilty verdict.

I found myself begging God for wisdom to see into the situation and see beyond what was actually there. I found myself praying for the victim, the defendant, the kids. I found myself grateful for our system of law. The judge thanked us after our service ended and reminded us again what a great judicial system we have and how the jury is the "great equalizer."

As corrupt as some of our officials, politicians, or law enforcement can be, overall, we do have a wonderful system set up to protect our citizens. As the judge reminded us, no one is going to come to our door from the police and drag us away never to be heard from again. When I look at the stories I post for the CAN facebook page on a regular basis it amazes me how many people are held in jail on trumped up charges. Others are not given a fair trail or a trail at all until years after their imprisonment. So many people are not privilege to the rights we have here in America. Innocent until proven guilty. That is a beautiful phrase. Thank you justice system for giving me this opportunity to serve and reminding me of why I am grateful to be a citizen in the USA.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spontaneity #2

Last Sunday I had another moment of spontaneity that surprised even me. On my way home from church I realized how beautiful a day it was outside. And I also realized that we had no specific plans for the day. So I suggested a picnic.

John was completely on board so we packed up some sandwiches and sides, water bottles and a blanket and headed out to the park. We walked to a nice quiet park nearby and just stretched out and made ourselves at home. It was so refreshing and calming. 
A flower we saw on our walk

Our picnic space
We ate and chatted and chatted some more and laid on our backs and looked at the trees and the sky and just had a really relaxing time just enjoying God's beautiful creation and each other. When my bladder was quite full we packed up and walked to Yogurtland where we got some dessert with a coupon I had. Then we found another spot nearby to have another mini dessert picnic. We eventually did head back home. It was just a perfect day and a reminder of how sometimes we need to just get away from all the gadgets and electronics and just be. We didn't "do" much. But it was one of the most enjoyable times I've had with John in while. Here's to the simple things in life!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Date at the Drive-In

I think most people view the drive-in theater as something from the past that is not around anymore. And that is partly true as there are only a precious few scattered across the country.

This was my first complete drive in experience and I have to say that it was so much fun! We bought a groupon for the Mchenry Outdoor Drive in Theater good for 2 admissions, a small drink and small popcorn. The doors opened at 6:30 and so we got there right on time so we could get a good spot. We pulled up real close to a speaker pole and settled in for a while before the movie began. I loved the set up and the way that even though cars were in front of you we could still see everything. And the speakers were really loud too so we didn't even need to put them in the car. I suppose it helped that it was a gorgeous night and we could leave the windows down the entire time.

It was a blast from the past weekend and so the movie we watched was Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. A classic. John had never seen it before so we thought it would be fun. We settled in with our pop, water, pretzels, popcorn, candy and blankets and got ready to be on the edge of our seats. Other than the shower scene that I won't watch it was very enjoyable. He is definitely the master of suspense! Overall we just both really enjoyed our time. It was such a cozy, fun, unique experience and I know that we'll be returning next summer to try it out again.

I know that the theater will be raising money soon on Kickstarter, but I don't think they have a page up yet. They need a new digital projector, which is seems is the trend and unfortunately causing many smaller theaters to close, including the Arlington Theater that just closed near us. After visiting this drive-in I think it would be missed if it closed. So if you would like to find out more about how you can help they have a facebook page Eventually they will post more info about the fundraiser. Even if you can't help, keep it in mind for next summer. It will be an experience you won't quickly forget.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Movie Release Today: Unconditional

This movie, Unconditional, is being released today in theaters. Through BuzzBloggers I have had the opportunity to read the novel based on the movie and the children's book that goes along with the film as well.

It is truly an inspirational tale and it's based on a true story. It will challenge you to make a difference in this world with the life you've been given. It definitely recognizes that life is not easy and not even fair but God ultimately does have a plan and can bring good out of even the most awful of circumstances. Check out the trailer and then go see the movie!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls is a chilling documentary about the plight of the sex trade and human trafficking. I was able to view a screening of this film and I knew going in that it was not going to be an easy film to watch.

In all honesty, I have been struggling with even how to approach this post. I cannot recount all the details of the film. Nor can I just spout statistics because those numbers don't show the people behind them. I can say that I was shocked, appalled, humbled, angry, sad, informed and generally overwhelmed by these stories. I wish I could do more to help, but this problem is epidemic.

I can and will continue to pray and petition and support laws in favor of protecting these women and children. I can and will continue to bring awareness to this important issue.

I urge you to check out this documentary. On the website you can find if there will be any screenings in your area. Or you can even buy a copy or host a screening yourself. At least watch the trailer and check out more about the film.  The only way that this horrific trade has a chance of becoming obsolete is by more and more people coming to a knowledge and understanding of the problem and determining to fight to make sure it ends.

The slave trade as most of us know it ended before most of us were born. However, this new slave trade, that sells and trades more humans than ever before in the history of mankind has risen up in it's place. This trade is not specific to one race. It spans the globe and while this movie primarily focuses on women and children, domestic slavery of all genders is another part of a larger problem. Please don't sit by and think that this doesn't affect you. You are human. The selling of another human is wrong and there are some things in life worth fighting for. It may not be you now, it may not be those you know, but it could be.

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls - Learn More

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Glade Expressions : Product Review

I received coupons from BuzAgent to try out the new Glade expressions collection. I got two of the fragrance mists to start with. I tried a cotton one and a pineapple/mango one. Basically they are just like most home fragrance sprays. The only difference is that it the starter comes in a sleek looking white cover that hides what it is.

Then to replace the spray you just buy a refill bottle and switch it with the old one, but keep the cover. It's kind of a unique idea, but not really all that necessary. I know that I don't really keep my sprays out regardless because I want to keep things put away. However, if you were one to leave it out then the cover is a nice touch as it does keep it from standing out.

I also was able to dry the oil wick diffuser. I was a little disappointed because they only had one scent left at the store and it was a lavender. That's not my favorite scent but since this was the 3rd store I had checked for this product I figured I'd better go ahead and get it.

This is actually a product could see continuing to use on a regular basis. I like the look of it and instead of reed diffusers that use the wood sticks this kind looks like one of those cardboard car air fresheners but it is all white. It also emits alot of scent. Almost too much but that may be again because it's not my favorite scent. I put mine in the bathroom and I can smell it even before I walk in the room.

You can refill the holder as well with any scent so I am looking forward to that at some point in the future. I guess we'll see how long it lasts.

So overall I would say the wick diffuser is pretty cool and works well. The sprays are just sprays, nothing special. I have seen lots of sales on these products in stores since they are new. So go check them out and tell me what you think! I do have some high value coupons for the starter kits as well. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you a few.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Artist

I remember hearing about this movie last year and wanting to see it. It's a french film. It's a silent film, in black and white set during the time of the transition of films from silent to talkies. It seemed like such a unique thing to do in this day and age that it intrigued me.

John and I watched this movie last week and I can honestly say that it is one of the most refreshing movies I have seen in a long while. Good storytelling and great artistry. Good, clean, film. The actors did an amazing job with their characters and nothing felt forced or cheap. You really believed them as they portrayed exactly who they were supposed to be. And I did not miss the sound. The storytelling was so good that sound was just an accessory that occasionally added to a scene but was not necessary.

If you enjoy good films then you will enjoy this movie. I don't know how many stars are on my scale but I would put it at the top of the line. I can't wait to watch it again sometime.

Follow the link to watch the trailer on YouTube: The Artist Trailer

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dentist Experiment

I had a routine cleaning at the dentist a few weeks ago and I was told basically the same thing I'm always told. "You need to floss and use mouthwash everyday. Your gums shouldn't bleed at all." But no cavities and my teeth are healthy so that's a plus. My response inside is that if someone weren't poking and prodding around my gums with instruments not made to be in anyone's mouth, maybe, just maybe my gums wouldn't be bleeding.

It's not like I completely forgo flossing. I do a few times a week. And I think mouthwash is just a gimmick, but that's just my skepticism showing through. So I am doing my own experiment. From now until my next dentist appointment in about 6 months I am resolved to floss and use mouthwash everyday. I want to see if I get a glowing report or if my gums still bleed. If I get a good report and no bleeding then I will admit my loss and keep up with the discipline. However, if my gums still bleed or if I still hear I need to floss more then I am going back to what I was doing before and I'll stick to my theory that it's all a big marketing ploy.

Guess we'll see what happens in 6 months.

to be continued....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Book Review: Weak and Loved

Another free e-book. I have to say that I love the free books I am able to download with this kindle. I am so thankful for my Kindle Fire!

With 3 healthy children, 1 on the way and 1 having seizures that continue to get worse despite treatment this mother is completely spent and but by the grace of God would not have made it. You walk along side her in her pain as she shares her story. A story of pain and weakness, joy and laughter and a little hope. It's a story of love and the pain that it costs us and that pain that it cost God. Definitely much easier to read than to go through. Maybe this could offer comfort to any mom going through a tough time with a child. My heart goes out to you. May you become aware of God's love even in your weakest moments, days, weeks or years.

Monday, September 10, 2012

"Sisterchick" Adventure

I am not typically spontaneous. What John and I have dubbed as the perfect description of how I like things is planned spontaneity. I am ok with being spontaneous as long as I have planned for it. I know that's an oxymoron but it really does make some sense.

All that to say that when I called my husband on Friday to make sure it would be ok if I did something spontaneous he was very surprised. He was also all for it. I was reading one of my favorite blogs this Friday,, which you should totally check out if you haven't, and saw that she was going to be speaking at this Living Well Women's Expo in Bloomington, IL, this Saturday. My initial thought was that it was too far a drive. But after doing the math as far as mileage goes I figured if someone came with me and we split the gas it would be a relatively inexpensive trip. I even thought about going by myself.

I convinced my sister to come with me and bright and early Saturday morning we headed out. It was a really beautiful day and the drive was smooth and uneventful both ways. We made great time and got in as they opened. Right away we were racking up the samples left and right and entering raffles of all sorts at all the booths and for door prizes. We had seen 75% of the expo by the time Crystal (Moneysavingmom) got up to speak. So we plopped down and listened to 25 Tips on How to Cut your Grocery Bill Without Using Coupons. Most of it was stuff I had read before and some that I have implemented, but it's always good to be reminded of it. We stood in line to to meet her afterwards and that was pretty cool. She is so very down to earth and I am inspired by her story.

While in line to meet up with Crystal they started giving away some door prizes. The first name called was my sisters. She was standing right next to the announcer so that was convenient and she won a $50 bed, bath and beyond gift card. Not bad. Definitely made the trip worth it for her. After our "celebrity" meeting we finished going through the expo and collecting up all the free samples we could handle. We were just about done and on the way out when they started giving away more door prizes so we decided to wait around and listen, just in case. I am so glad we did, because the next name called was Becky Cox. So I had to race all the way back to where we were and I won $50 worth of product from Thirty-One. They make tote bags of all sorts. The lady there was gracious enough to let me take a catalog and decide at home. This was a godsend for indecisive me. So I will have my bag shipped to me soon.

So all in all, I would say that it was a wonderful adventure. The weather was perfect. I got to hang with my sis and chat. I got to meet my favorite blogger. I received tons of samples and won a free bag. I may have to give this spontaneity thing another chance!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fried Chicken: Take 2

I refused to be defeated by fried chicken so I decided I would try it again, only this time, the "real" way. It actually wasn't that bad, the splattering oil I mean. I can't say it was the best fried chicken ever, but it was good and John loved it so that's all that matters. We had it with mashed potatoes and sweet tea. Next time I have a request for some mac and cheese with it. Loving learning to cook some homestyle grub. Next thing I want to learn to make it some good ole buttermilk biscuits.

Thoughts from The Simple Dollar

I received this book as a free download on my kindle and though it took me a while to get through I did think it had some great insight.  I am definitely envious of this man who chased his dream and caught it. It wasn't easy and he made changes but he did it and that is admirable. One of these days maybe I will get courageous enough to do the same.

Here are a few passages from the book that stood out the most to me:

"Many people associate frugality with sacrifice: You have to give things up. They hear stories about having to give up lattes or giving up eating out or giving up nights on the town, and it sounds incredibly tedious. 

A more appropriate view is that frugality is an exchange: You're trading the things you don't value for the things that you do value." 

What a great way to think about it! It makes sense but I've never heard it put quite that way before and it helps me feel better about some of my frugal choices, no matter what other people might think. My values are just different than theirs.

"Experiences always trump things. Experiences do not require maintenance. They do not take up space in your home. They stay with you in your heart. Fill your life with experiences. Chase the things you've always dreamed of doing, and leave the things on the store shelves where they belong."

This is especially helpful to remember! We have a small home and though it's larger than our last home I don't want to fill it up with clutter and stuff. There is so little we actually need. This has been helpful to me too when it comes to gifts that I give to John. We don't need things, but I do enjoying doing things with him. The author also expounds on how we waste alot of time on things that are not meaningful. He talks about how we probably won't remember that tv show years down the road, but we will remember that trip we took or that dinner we had with so and so. Relationships and life with people are the things we will remember and cherish, not the things we have.

There is alot packed in here and I do think it is a good read. Check it out. He also has a blog if you'd like to learn more. He posts tips and ideas about saving money and being frugal, and so much more.