Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Latest Reads

After much hesitation I have officially jumped on board the e-device craze and bought a Kindle Fire. I had saved up alot of amazon gift cards from surveys, etc and they had this crazy deal on a refurbished one so I bit the bullet and used gift cards to purchase it. Even considering it was "free", at least out of pocket I still had a little buyers remorse at first. But now, I am really loving it!

I love that I can do more than just read on it. It's no ipad, but it's pretty good for an e-reader tablet. And of course I am loving all the books. I have been able to find so many free downloads and have even borrowed e-books from our library. So I guess I am hooked on my Kindle.

So what have I been reading lately with this new contraption...alot of cook books or how to books, but some actual book, books.

1. I finished the Hunger Games Series: Kept my attention held and was a very captivating story, but very violent and can't say that I enjoyed all of it. I just wanted it to be over.  I thought it brought up some very heavy themes as to the human condition and what we are truly capable of.

2. Eat that Frog: this is one I borrowed from the library and I will say it is part of what helped me to get motivated to actually set the goals I have for my cookbook and blog. I am ready to start eating that frog! It is actually a really good book for those of us who never seem to have enough time to do what they want to do.

3. Right now I am reading In the Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham. This book is really good. I can't believe I was lucky enough to find a free copy. It is the story of Gracia and her husband who were missionaries in the Phillipines. While celebrating their anniversary they were taken captive, along with others, by a Muslim terrorist group. It is a very detailed account of their time in captivity. I can't imagine going through what they did, and I am anxious to continue reading and learn how she eventually escapes. It also reminds me of the humanity of "terrorists" and their need for the truth as well.

I haven't been reading quite as much lately just because it's the summer and I want to get outside and enjoy it as much as possible.

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