Monday, June 25, 2012

Girls Shopping Weekend

This weekend was a gift to my sister and I from my mom. Belated birthday gifts if you will. We got to hang out all day, seriously, we were going from like 10am to 8pm. Of course we had a few breaks to eat too. It was a good time. We shopped til we dropped! Again, seriously, I was so ready to crash by the time I got home.

I found a few good deals, but mostly it just amazes me how expensive clothes are. Goodwill is my favorite store! I was excited to find a super cute dress at this really cool thriftish store called Ragstock. It was only $8. It's really such a fun store. You never know what you can find.

We had a scrumptious lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and dinner with the men at Chevy's before we hit a few more stores and called it a night.

The Vietnamese Taco plate at Cheesecake Factory
My last purchase from Walmart. Fresh Basil and the official start of my herb garden!
Sunday was a great day to crash after our long shopping day. I tried to make a new recipe, but I think I needed more chicken and I think the cucumber yogurt sauce was a little too garlicky. It made my tongue burn. But the picture looked cool so I thought I would share anyway. They were Chicken Souvlaki Pitas with Tahini Sauce. Unfortunately that recipe will not make the cut, but on the flip side I get to throw something out. At least I've got the hummus nailed!

Our buffet style make your pita to taste
Along with my quest to stay disciplined at blogging I am trying to create my own "cookbook". Not one I've written, but a compilation of all the recipes we like and want to eat again and again. I have a billion recipes in folders that we like and that we haven't tried. So I am typing them all up so they'll be nice and uniform and one day I will print them out and make a binder. So far I've been on track with a few a day. As I come across some yummy ones I will definitely share them.

Til tomorrow....

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