Monday, June 18, 2012

The Big Move

May was a hectic month. It was the when the big move occurred. I am frustrated with myself that I don't have any pictures of our Uhaul, but alas, amidst the chaos of the move taking pictures wasn't my first priority. Packing was not fun. Our tiny apartment became even tinier really quickly and we had to designate 1 wall to stack all our boxes so we had room to still move around.

This was moving day. Just finishing up the last of everything in the morning.

The pantry was bare, minus a few last minute items

Taking apart the bed was a challenge in our tiny room as well.

Somebody help me...please!

Me and mom packing up the last of everything while the guys go get the Uhaul.
Overall it went pretty smoothly. We ended up making two trips with the truck. The only thing that gave us trouble was the couch, but it did make it. Which is good because I really like our couch. We moved up in the world. Left behind a tiny first floor apartment and now are in a much more spacious top floor (4th) condo. It feels like the lap of luxury to me.

A great moving in picture. There was no rhyme or reason to anything, but everything made it in.

Putting stuff away in the kitchen. We have a skylight in the kitchen which is amazingly cool!

Chuck putting the bed back together in our new bedroom.

Our view from the treetops

After things are more picked up.

Bedroom getting in order

Dad taking a much needed rest after a long day of moving.

Our dining room. New table for us. Gotta love garage sales!

Our living room with everything where it belongs, for the most part. It's so spacious. I love it!
I feel so blessed to be here. Even though we are still just renting I love this place. It suits our needs perfectly right now! Everyday I thank God for giving us this wonderful place to live. Did I mention we have a storage unit, and a garage space as well. So much space! I love it!


  1. i know! I know I dont want to do it again anytime soon! And I know I want to try to get rid of stuff in between because my husband loves to keep too much extra stuff!

  2. Yeah, it was good for that reason. We did purge!
