Thursday, June 21, 2012

Don't Cry Over Boiled Milk

Last weekend was a great cooking day for me. I made cheesecake ice cream, which is absolutely delicious! I also made pico de gallo for a taco night, a large batch of waffles to freeze for breakfasts, which we have been enjoying this week and a dessert for my dad for Father's Day (Coconut Lime Semifredo). I'd say it was a success. The only mishap was when the milk mixture for the dessert sort of decided to explode all over the stove. That put a slight damper on my progress, but now I have a nice clean stove! 

The stacks of waffles made before freezing.

I attempted some homemade whipped cream and fruit for Sunday's breakfast waffles. I think I need to add more sugar next time but the fruit was good!
Ever since I got married I have enjoyed learning to cook. While my mom is really good in the baking department I think I lean more towards everything else. I can make some ok baked goods, but I think I prefer just other things in general. I am loving learning the art of cooking and freezer cooking and making things that I thought only came in cartons in the store. It's really freeing and fun. And I am amazed at the simplest things that I never knew about food and cooking. Well...back to the kitchen to make dinner. Fajitas tonight....

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