Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thoughts on Trials from a Tightrope Walker

Not sure if you heard about the crazy man, Nik Wallenda who became the first man in history to walk a tightrope across Niagra Falls. Granted he's the first that's been allowed to try, but he did succeed. It happened last Friday night. It's really a pretty cool story and John and I enjoyed watching it live.

ABC Story with more details and actual footage

In his interview after the walk one thing he said struck me as rather profound and applicable to our spiritual lives as well. There is a good chunk of his walk where he is getting bombarded with the mist and wind that the Falls generate. The video showed just how wet it was. When asked how that part was he replied that it was tough and he wanted nothing more than to run and get through it, but he had to just take it one step at a time.

It made me think how I like to respond to harsh conditions, to situations less than ideal. I like to be out of them as soon as possible. I think that's our natural inclination. But if he had followed his natural inclination then he probably would have fallen to his death (except for the harness he was wearing would have caught him). But still, it would have ruined his dream if he had tried to get through the rough spot in a hurry. Sometimes I think we are so bent on getting out of our rough spot that we do more harm to ourselves or those around us then if we just accept things for what they are and just move forward, one step at a time. Rough spots in life never last forever, though I will admit, some seem to last an awful long time.

So my advice to myself from this is to not be in such a hurry to clear the storm. That may in fact create another scenario even worse than the original. Just take it one step at a time and trust that God will get me through it.

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