Monday, December 31, 2012

Launching tomorrow with 2013

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a New Year. Crazy how time flies. It also marks the beginning of a new blog site for me. will be launched tomorrow! I am excited about this new site and the opportunities for expansion that it will allow. I will be launching a facebook site to go with it, that may be up tomorrow. Either way, it's going to be a work in progress for a little bit and probably changes will  come slowly.

Visit my site tomorrow and you will have the chance to win a great Christmas cd.

Bookmark it, check back often. Look forward to seeing you there!

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Site Coming Soon...

I am in the countdown to the launch of my new site. With the New Year I will be launching a new site for my blog. Stay tuned to find out more info and how you can stay updated. It's exciting I have to get back to work.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Book Review: Life of Pi

Image Credit
Life of Pi
by Yann Martel

What a unique read! I say that because I can't quite say I enjoyed all of it, nor did I dislike all of it. So I am stuck with a paradox of a story that is quite different from any other I have read. I feel I know more about zoo keeping and the animal kingdom than I ever have before and am more acquainted with guts and gore than ever before as well. Reading the book did not make me want to see the movie, let's put it that way. Too much animal entrails involved to make me curious enough to see what the movie shows and doesn't.

The premise of the book is that a boy, Pi, ends up on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger in the middle of the Pacific ocean. It is his story of survival. Keep in mind, he grew up in a zoo, so he had a great deal of knowledge and understanding of animals. This helps him tremendously. If you have any interest in learning about zoo-keeping or animal training, there are some helpful tidbits.

On a theological level, Pi is extremely mixed up and does not know what end is up. He considers himself Christian, Hindu and Muslim, which despite what he says, is really not possible. This is explored much in the beginning of the book, but then sort of takes a back seat to the survival story.

I don't know how to rate this book. Read it if you are curious and it's laying around. But I would say you're not missing anything if you skip it.

Has anyone else read this? What were your thoughts?

And If anyone sees the movie, let me know what you think about that too!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Advent Verse: Week 4

Advent Wreath by Petr Kratochvil 

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14

God with us. Amazing.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

IJM Campaign Update

Thank you to all of you who have donated to my campaign page for International Justice Mission. I still have a few weeks to go before my deadline, but we have reached the goal! 

I am so excited! Now, I know that we can surpass my goal, because only 15 have donated. That's alot of money raised from 15 people. If I could get 20 more people to give just $5 then we'd raise an extra $100 just like that. So I am asking again. Check out the campaign page for more info on International Justice Mission and the great work they are doing around the world.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cookie Decorating

I remember sitting in the kitchen with the bowls of colored frosting scattered on the table in front of me and the cookie canvases awaiting my strokes to bring them to life. This is how I remember cookie decorating at home with my mom. I loved the way you got to be creative with each and every cookie. They were mini canvases and the best part was that if you didn't like one you made, no big deal, there were plenty more to keep trying.

This year, we decided to try and make some new cookie decorating memories so we invited a family over with kids to help us. But first I had to get the cookies made. Saturday, I spent a good chunk of the day baking. It didn't start out so well. My first batch was too thin and burnt. I took a lunch break and tried again. After I figured out what I was doing wrong, (I had to roll the dough a little thicker and keep it a little colder) it went much smoother. I even tried something I had found in the Everyday Food Magazine. And that was to make different colored dough and kinda make shapes and press them together. They really looked like store bought I thought. Here's the link for instructions on that.

Once all the cookies were made I was ready. Sunday I pulled them out and made a few different colored frostings and got out all the sprinkles. Once the family arrived we had a really good time. I forgot how much kids love sprinkles and I think some of their cookies ended up with tablespoons full of them. (Frosting and sprinkles) But they had fun! They completed a whole tray and some and John and I had to make 50 for my work. So we kept going a while.

All in all we had a great time and have some great cookies to show for it! Enjoy our cookie gallery below:

Kids Tray

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book Review: Until We Reach Home

Image Credit
Until We Reach Home
by Lynn Austin

Three girls from Sweden set out to come to America and make a new life for themselves. Fleeing from their Uncle and their home they find themselves in uncomfortable circumstances for most of the journey and yet, it grows them and they each come into their own. They learn to trust God more than ever before, and though the road for them was never easy, He was faithful.

This was such a good read. It's a novel in that it took me longer than 1 week to read. It's rich with great story telling and I was so fascinated to read the history of their journey. From waiting in the London tube station, to catching the boat to America. From reaching Ellis Island to taking the street cars in Chicago. History lessons came to life. You will love these girls and want them to succeed. You will hurt with their challenges and wonder how their lives will ever get better. You will rejoice with them through triumphs and be glued to the story all the way.

I am looking forward to checking out more of Austin's books because this was truly a gem!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent Verse: Week 3

Advent Wreath by Petr Kratochvil 
John 15:9-11
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

Just another reminder that joy, true joy, is not necessarily happiness, nor is it based on circumstances. We can have joy amidst the pain because we abide in the life-giving, sustaining love of Jesus.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Tale of Our Christmas Tree

Once upon a time, last Saturday to be exact, John and Becky decided to go to a tree farm to have a real Christmas tree experience. So they made their list of supplies and checked it twice. Then they headed out to Richardson Farms.

Once there, they were in awe at the amount and kinds of trees to choose from. It was a bit overwhelming but they eventually decided on a Canaan Fir and made their way to the field.

There were so many to choose from.

"This one is a little too small," thought John.

"And this one is a little too big," said Becky 

John found a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but that's not what he was looking for. So he kept up the search.

Finally, they found one just right!

So John took the saw and cut away.

Ah...the perfect size!

Their lovely size tree made for easy carrying and John brought it back to the shaker. Where they put it on the machine and all the dead needles are shaken out. Thankfully, there were still lots of good, healthy needles left.

The tree awaiting the baler.

There she goes.

All ready for transport.

But not before some hot cocoa and fudge!

The tree fit in the trunk with the back seats down. They laid down a blanket to keep it more comfortable for the ride home.

John hauled the tree inside with ease and got it all set up in the stand. What will it look like?

Snip, snip, snip. Guess we'll find out!

O Christmas Tree, o Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches.

The lights are on and now all that's needed is a topper.  So a Santa hat had to suffice. Now for the ornaments...

All complete! They love their tree and it has brought much joy thus far!

The End.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dealing with Disappointment Part 3 of 3

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

The second thing I remembered were a few verses that I love and were great reminders. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 (ESV) Give thanks in all circumstances. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Not easy tasks really. Not in this world. But how refreshing it felt to give thanks amidst the pain. To dwell on the much and not the little. It was as if I was looking at a globe and noticing one particular spot and as I praised, the globe shifted until I was looking at something entirely different. Same globe, different perspective. 

And all this disappointment led me back to the verse I posted for last week. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 (ESV) You may think that’s a stretch, but not really. In the midst of my disappointment I thought, “Geez, good news of great joy sounds wonderful about now. I am tired of this bad news.” And you know what? That’s what makes the good news so wonderful! This world is bad news. We are bad news. The good news is that there’s a way out. Jesus came to be born on Christmas, God in flesh (which is so amazing) to live the good life that we couldn’t, a perfect life. He died a death we deserve and rose again defeating death once and for all. He made a way for us to shed our lives engulfed in bad news now and bad news to come and gave us good news, for now and to come. For those who put their trust in Him you can have “great joy” always because the front page headline of your paper will always read JESUS WINS. The other articles may have some headlines that aren’t so pleasant but just shift your eyes back to the front page and remember the “Good News.”

“I have said these things to you, that in me [Jesus] you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33 (ESV)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dealing with Disappointment Part 2 of 3

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /
The second trial came last week. We discovered that the box of Christmas gifts we sent to family in NC did not arrive in tact. In fact 2/3 of the gifts were missing. This was a huge disappointment and we were both really upset. I cried. I don't know for certain what happened, but just the fact that they are gone really stinks. 

It was hard to swallow and I certainly shot off an email to the post office customer service as fast as I could. Then when my anger subsided and I took in the situation a sadness settled over me. What now? And this is what we came up with....we praise God. We are still blessed. We have wonderful families who wouldn't care even if we couldn't replace the gifts. We have our health and shelter and clothes. We are never hungry. We have so much, so much, so much. Things can be replaced. It's a set back, but not the end of the world, not even close. It's not God's fault. He allowed it, sure. Why? I don't know. But he also allowed us to eat dinner last night and the night before. He allowed me to crawl into my wonderfully warm bed while some barely have a mat to call their own. Why? I don't know. I don't have all the answers but I know three truths that have come to mind as I have been fighting these disappointing times. I will share one today and two tomorrow.

The first thing I thought of when I was upset and wanting to blame God was the passage in John 6:66-68. When Jesus teaches some difficult passages and many disciples turn away. He turns to the 12 disciples and asks them, "Do you want to go away as well?" And I felt like God was asking me, "Do you want to turn your back on me?" And like Peter my response was the same, "Lord, to whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life." I may not understand God's ways, in fact it's pretty certain that none of us truly do most times, but I believe He is who He says He is. And He is good and He is love and He has truly never let me down. I have nothing else to cling to besides Jesus. So no matter what happens in life, no matter how many disappointments or how great the sorrow my response will always be, "Lord, to who else would I go?" 

Come back tomorrow for the final post to hear what else God has been teaching me through these situations. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dealing with Disappointment Part 1 of 3

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Disappointment is no fun. Getting your hopes up, dreaming and then facing reality can be extremely daunting and uncomfortable. And we all know, this life can be pretty disappointing at times. I feel like this past month I have been living in that disappointment, not understanding what God is doing, and yet... walk with me. 

It all began with John's job hunt. He's been looking to get into the school system as an aide, with little success so far. Then he got a call, an interview. It went well. It was close to home, with good hours and pay and benefits. It was so enticing and we were both so hopeful. It seemed like maybe, this was what God had for us. A second interview, our hopes soared. We dreamed of what we could do if he got the job in short term and long term. And He didn't get it. 

I was so disappointed. I was frustrated and confused and wondering if we did something wrong, wondering what God is doing. In essence I found myself back in the Garden of Eden question God's goodness. I could hear the lies being whispered in my ear from the serpent, "God doesn't really love you. If he did, he wouldn't withhold this job from you."  Is God only good when he gives me what I want? That seems like a toddler version of God and I know it's not true. I had to remind myself of God's goodness. I had to remind myself that trust is hardest when you can't see the way. But I know that He is trustworthy, and I do trust his goodness. I had to remind myself also of how blessed we are. We really had nothing to be upset about. 

Does that mean I wasn't still disappointed? No. I was, but my perspective shifted and I was trusting the best that I could. Come back tomorrow to read about the second situation I found myself in. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent Week 2 Verses

Advent Wreath by Petr Kratochvil 

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Friday, December 7, 2012

Grace to fail

Blogging everyday has been my goal. I have been pretty successful thus far at blogging every week day. Until Monday, and today because I don't think you can really count this post. I've had a few rough mornings. I've failed.

Many times in the past I would beat myself up over that and give up. I guess I just can't do it. It's too much. Instead I am choosing to give myself grace to fail. No big deal. Just get back up and keep going. It's going to happen. I will fail. Life happens. Things come up. I will do my best and that has to be good enough.

What areas of life do you need to give yourself grace to fail?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Book Review: Christmas at Harringtons

Image Credit
Christmas at Harringtons
by Melody Carlson

I have been trying to read all things Christmas this season and I came across this free e-book in the last few weeks. I am not a huge Christmas novel fan, but I figured I would give it a shot. It is the season after all, and I'm no Scrooge. So I downloaded it.

I started reading it yesterday on my lunch break and was able to finish it by bedtime last night. It was an easy read for sure. But I also found it very enjoyable and unexpected!

The storyline is certainly unique. A woman who just gets out of prison is befriended on the bus trip as she heads out in hopes of starting over with life. Beginning with that trip, nothing happens quite as she imagines, but she finds her faith again and the truth is revealed and proclaimed in more than one way.

Much like Les Miserables it deals with the issue of forgiveness and second chances. Is a criminal always a criminal? We are so quick to judge without knowing all the facts, or even when we do, we still judge. You will think twice about how you would respond to the situation that arises.

Overall, good simple read with a good message!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Book Review: The Winter Letter

The Winter Letter
by Dustan Stanley

On his thirteenth birthday Will receives a strange letter from a king. The letter is full of nonsense, so he figures it’s a prank, but then there are three knocks on his front door. By the next day his entire world has fallen apart and the strange letter makes perfect sense.
Near the closing, the letter reads: Tomorrow, get on the 3:30 train. Go south. Get off at sunset and walk deep into the eastern woods. Knock on the door of the only house you come across...
Did this so-called king know what was going to happen beforehand or did he orchestrate the ordeal himself? Will must know, so he sets out on an epic journey that takes him to a world full of magic and war, with new friends and new enemies. In the end he comes face to face with the one responsible. His life will never be the same.
Lovers of simple fantasy with deep meaning, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and A Wrinkle in Time, will fall full into this simple story based on the deeper truths of love, hope, and faith!

The summary above is from the author's website. I finished this book this week and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It definitely had a "Narnia-esque" feel to it. A great fantasy adventure for kids that is sprinkled with some great spiritual truths. I am ready for book two!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent Week 1 Verses

And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Luke 2:10-11

Friday, November 30, 2012

Trafficking Hits Close to Home

I came across this article via the facebook feed of Traffick Free. It is from ABC local news. Basically it details the conviction of a man running a prostitution ring in Mt. Prospect, IL. That's really close to home. I know it shouldn't surprise me, but it still does. I know that these things go on, but it is much more real when you come across something like this. The fact that he felt he owned these women is so appalling.

So that lends to some thoughts. This is going on. It's going on nearby. What can I do about it? There are many groups dedicated to eradicating human trafficking. Here are some steps from that you can take to help. Take Action.

Another thing you can do is donate time or money to organizations that help fight trafficking. International Justice Mission does work around the world to end human slavery. You can help them by making a donation to my campaign. Just click the link below. 

Donate to my campaign for International Justice Mission. 

This is not a problem that will be going away any time soon. But the more people know about what is going on the more chance there is for change.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Key Lime Cove Getaway

John and I had a little money saved up to take a night getaway to Key Lime Cove, in Gurnee, IL. This was our gift to each other and it capped off a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend. We arrived Sunday afternoon and the place was so empty. We were able to do everything we wanted at the water park in about 3 hours. It was so fun and relaxing. It was wonderful to be able to shed some layers and stay warm.

Last year we had found a great deal for the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells. So we couldn't help but compare the two. I have to give my vote to the Kalahari. It definitely had more slides and they were a little more fun. However, Key lime is much closer to home. So if you're looking for a tropical getaway near Chicago, this is far from a bad option.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Book Review: How Huge the Night

Click here to purchase
How Huge the Night
by Heather & Lydia Munn

Another WWII era book, but this one from the point of view of a teenage boy. As he moves from Paris to the small French town of his grandfather he faces relational challenges that put his faith to the test. And that is before the war changes everything even more.

This was an excellent book! The faith of this boy challenged me.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Sale: Humans 2 for 1

Ok so yes, that is a little bit drastic of a headline and it's certainly not a headline we would see in any paper in the United States. But all across the world the human slave trade is at an all time high. Whether it is forced labor or sex trafficking, it is a horrible practice and something needs to be done. Awareness is part of the problem. This is not an issue talked about very often. It's not in the papers. It's not on the news. But it is happening. Humans are the latest hot commodity.

Many of these people who find themselves in these situations have next to nothing and no one to fight for them. There is little chance of escape on their own. That's where International Justice Mission comes in. They fight for these forgotten fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters. They fight for freedom and justice. This is worth fighting for!

Please join me as I raise awareness and funds to help support their mission at IJM. Giving up 1 cup of coffee from starbucks, 3 i-tunes downloads, 1 month of netflix, you name it... a small sacrifice (and I do mean small) could help rescue a person from the bonds of slavery and change their life forever!

Click the link below to donate.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to wish every one a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is my advice to fully enjoy the holiday:

1. Don't eat too much, food comas are no fun.

2. Don't even think about Black Friday until Friday if at all.

3. Enjoy the time spent with family and friends.

4. Thank God, out loud for at least 10 things you are thankful for (though I'm sure you come up with so many more).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Book Review: The Reluctant Prophet

Purchase Here
The Reluctant Prophet
by Nancy Rue

When Allison hears God tell her to buy a Harley she thinks she is going crazy, but she listens and finds herself on an adventure like nothing she ever would have imagined, all in her own backyard.

I can't speak to the theology of this book, but it did bring up some great things to think about. Namely, what does it really look like to be the hands and feet of Jesus? How far are we really willing to go to help those who need it most? Will I look beyond my own doorstep and open my eyes to the world around me?

All very challenging questions that I continue to grapple with. The good news is that I will not be buying a Harley.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Exciting News from Family Christian Stores

I thought I would share this email I received from the CEO of Family Christian Stores last week. It is so encouraging to me and maybe it will be to you as well. 
Dear Friends of Family Christian,

Today is an exciting day for Family Christian and we wanted you to be among the first to hear the news! 

The management team of Family Christian has partnered with a group of Christian businessmen to acquire the company from our private equity owners.  And here’s the really exciting part: under our new ownership, our pledge is to contribute 100% of our profits to Christian causes and, specifically, ministries serving widows and orphans both here in the U.S. and abroad.  We are thrilled about this opportunity!

As a loyal Family Christian customer, you know we have always been committed to providing resources for our Christian community.   We recently shared the motivation and inspiration of Our Calling at Family Christian:

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27

This new ownership structure allows us to respond to Our Calling in faster, broader and deeper ways. 

We believe we’ve been called to multiply our impact and so we are buying Family Christian because we think our company is uniquely positioned to be your first choice for Christian resources AND acatalyst for financial support for faith-based causes.  We’ve been on a journey for several years to find potential like-minded Christian owners who share our passion and calling.  I believe it’s the providence and sovereignty of God that I met our investors while working to serve orphans in Georgia more than five years ago.  His hand was on this process and in the divine selection of the partners who, like us, are deeply involved in supporting and growing Christian ministries and have spent considerable time focused on orphan, foster care and adoption causes. 
So what does this mean for you as our customer?  Well, while our ownership structure and financial purpose have changed, we expect no impact on our day-to-day operations, product assortment, stores or staff.  But it does mean that each and every time you make a purchase through Family Christian, you are serving the orphan, the widow, those in distress, the community of Christ believers and more. 

Because now, rather than contributing 10% of our profits to The James Fund and similar ministries,we will give 100% of our profits to faith-based ministries.  It means you get to be the active hands and feet in the rescue work, the building up of families, and the responders to the James Challenge.
In many ways, we are returning to our roots as a Christian family-owned business focused on making a significant Kingdom impact.  Since our founding in 1932, we have built a reputation for providing great service and quality Christian products.  We intend to continue to uphold the high level of retail excellence, while applying the full operational and financial resources of the Company for the benefit of widows, orphans and foster children and Christian charities.

I am excited for the future of Family Christian and the significant Kingdom impact we will make together.  We appreciate your business and your loyal support.

In His Service,
Cliff Bartow signature
Cliff Bartow

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
– James 1:27

Friday, November 16, 2012

Orajel Single Dose Cold Sore Medicine

I received a sample of cold sore medicine from Smiley 360. I am so thankful that I have not had the opportunity to use it yet, though I know it's only a matter of time. From others responses it seems like it works really well. Learn more below.

New Orajel Single Dose Cold Sore Treatment: Thx Orajel 4 my free #SingleDose - Get a $1 off coupon Single Dose Cold Sore Treatment here! 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Book Review: The Faith of Ashish

The Faith of Ashish - Book 1 of the Blessings of India Series
by Kay Marshall Strom

"Remember, you are Ashish. Remember, you are a blessing. Always and forever, remember who you are." These words, spoken to a small boy in India by his mother and father, are a true miracle in and of themselves. Their family suffers greatly as members of the lowest caste in the culture. And as Ashish makes a life-altering mistake his family become slaves to a "Christian" man of a high standing caste. This is their story.

You will want to keep reading this book. Even as it ended, I was ready for more. However, it is sad. I wanted to weep and pray for the people of India. The Hindu religion offers little hope. I wanted to tell these "untouchables" about the love of Jesus. I wanted to yell at the "Christian" land owner who was anything but. There is so much about the culture that is difficult to understand. However, love transcends all cultures and I am so thankful for missionaries there that are practically loving the Indian people. I am also thankful that God transcends all cultural differences and gives understanding and grace to people of all nations.