Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book Review: Until We Reach Home

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Until We Reach Home
by Lynn Austin

Three girls from Sweden set out to come to America and make a new life for themselves. Fleeing from their Uncle and their home they find themselves in uncomfortable circumstances for most of the journey and yet, it grows them and they each come into their own. They learn to trust God more than ever before, and though the road for them was never easy, He was faithful.

This was such a good read. It's a novel in that it took me longer than 1 week to read. It's rich with great story telling and I was so fascinated to read the history of their journey. From waiting in the London tube station, to catching the boat to America. From reaching Ellis Island to taking the street cars in Chicago. History lessons came to life. You will love these girls and want them to succeed. You will hurt with their challenges and wonder how their lives will ever get better. You will rejoice with them through triumphs and be glued to the story all the way.

I am looking forward to checking out more of Austin's books because this was truly a gem!

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