Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cookie Decorating

I remember sitting in the kitchen with the bowls of colored frosting scattered on the table in front of me and the cookie canvases awaiting my strokes to bring them to life. This is how I remember cookie decorating at home with my mom. I loved the way you got to be creative with each and every cookie. They were mini canvases and the best part was that if you didn't like one you made, no big deal, there were plenty more to keep trying.

This year, we decided to try and make some new cookie decorating memories so we invited a family over with kids to help us. But first I had to get the cookies made. Saturday, I spent a good chunk of the day baking. It didn't start out so well. My first batch was too thin and burnt. I took a lunch break and tried again. After I figured out what I was doing wrong, (I had to roll the dough a little thicker and keep it a little colder) it went much smoother. I even tried something I had found in the Everyday Food Magazine. And that was to make different colored dough and kinda make shapes and press them together. They really looked like store bought I thought. Here's the link for instructions on that.

Once all the cookies were made I was ready. Sunday I pulled them out and made a few different colored frostings and got out all the sprinkles. Once the family arrived we had a really good time. I forgot how much kids love sprinkles and I think some of their cookies ended up with tablespoons full of them. (Frosting and sprinkles) But they had fun! They completed a whole tray and some and John and I had to make 50 for my work. So we kept going a while.

All in all we had a great time and have some great cookies to show for it! Enjoy our cookie gallery below:

Kids Tray

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