Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Title Says It All

It's been a while since I've posted anything other than book reviews. Does this girl do anything but read? I'm sure that's the question that's been burning a hole in your mind. Well to answer your question so you don't end up with a huge gaping hole in your head, yes. Yes I do much more than read, though I do love to read. We have actually been living out our blog title lately. Life has been a little crazy.

Initially, a while back, during the winter we began looking to purchase a home. Many moons later, spring arrived and with it a change of heart. (This is the very condensed version). We decided to keep renting, only we were still looking for a new place for many reasons, many of which include our awful summer here last year. You can go back and read that post if you'd like. Anyway, to bring you to the present we were finally able to secure a place that we like and should be a good fit for us. So now begins the fun time of getting all the details worked out. Packing, moving, getting all the utilities and mail switched over. We don't move in until May, but time is going fast.

We are excited though. It's an upgrade in space and is on the top floor of a condo complex. It looks as though we will have many older neighbors but very nice and very rule-abiding. The laundry will be in the same building as well, which is a definite move in the right direction. It's closer to my sisters place and to church and our favorite park. We are happy. I'll have to post some pics once we get all settled in.
In the meantime here is a picture of spring to leave you with.

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