Saturday, April 7, 2012

Book Review: Room

by Emma Donoghue

I really enjoyed this book and I think the author truly accomplished what she set out to do. This tale is told completely through the eyes of a five year old boy, Jack. He is born and raised in "room" with his Ma. It's all he knows and all he's ever known his whole life.

As time goes on Ma starts to make him aware that there is a world beyond room. It's hard for him to believe but she plans an escape and life will never be the same.

Even though there is a terrible story that sets the scene for the book, it is portrayed with such innocence and gentleness that cannot help but draw you in. After all, a five year old boy is only capable of understanding and comprehending so much and yet at the same time it is his perspective on life that makes you realize how us adults sometimes can get things so wrong.

I definitely recommend this read. I have heard it might be made into a movie as well. You can learn more by visiting the book website. (The link is above)

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