Sunday, April 15, 2012

Book Review: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins

When Katniss Everdeen steps up to take her place as a contender in the Hunger Games she views it as a death sentence. 24 kids are placed as contenders this "game" arena every year to fight to the death as the world watches on, in horror and fascination. Who will win the games this year and how will it all go down? 

This book reminds me of a modern day "Lord of the Flies-esque" reality show. It's actually a showcase of humanity at it's worst. And I'd like to say that I wish we would never reach the point where we are so far removed that we forget we are all humans and all equal, but I know that will never be the case since we are already there. Maybe not you personally. However, since the beginning of time we have been guilty as humans as not treating each other as equal. With sin came death and murder. It is extremely hard for me to fathom why we view some humans as more worthy of life than others. 

This story was completely unique and like none I have read before. I enjoyed the fast-paced nature of it and was intrigued to see what was going to happen. I was horrified by the situation itself and so sad for the predicament that the main characters found themselves in. It was very violent, but I suppose there is no way to make a fight to the death un-violent. I am ready for the next book though...

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