Monday, April 30, 2012

Book Review: In the Garden of the Beasts

In the Garden of the Beasts
by Erik Larson

This book retold the story of the American Ambassador and his family in Berlin at the time of Hitler’s rise to power. It was so interesting to see history come alive through the perspective of this family and their everyday life. Ironically, the Ambassador, not a politician, was eventually able to see the situation for what it was more clearly than anyone else and he was not afraid to speak his mind when needed.

It was difficult to read about all the atrocities committed against Jews and civilians alike. The book doesn’t go into great detail in the specifics of the crimes committed, but it doesn’t need to. We have all learned that in history class. How Germany was able to get away with what they were doing for so long seems unbelievable to me and reminds me why politics and I do not get along.

I have no interest in putting up with injustice in the name of “good relations.” That doesn’t mean I think we should declare war on every nation that does things I don’t agree with, but it does meant that I don’t think we should condone what they do as right by doing business with them and acting cordial. It really reminds me of situations going on in the present day. There are so many nations perpetrating crimes against humanity, denying basic human rights and persecuting certain people groups for one reason or another. Why does the world stand by and watch? Why do we condone it? You may think we don’t, but if we supply money, aid and business to the leaders of the nations where this is allowed to go on with no change then we do. There needs to be consequences for not playing by the rules and I just don’t see that happening.

But back to the book…it’s a great read. I love the way Larson writes. This is the 4th book I’ve read of his and I have not been disappointed yet. And I have to say thank you to him for helping me enjoy history like no teacher or textbook has yet been able to help me do.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do I Really Believe?

I have recently been asking some tough questions of myself. Maybe you can relate, maybe not. But I thought I would share where I am right now.

Question #1: Why Do I continually choose to do things that do not matter in the slightest?

This question undoubtedly leads into the next question.

Question #2: Do I really believe Jesus is enough?

This second question is really a series of questions: Do I really believe that He alone will satisfy my needs and desires? Do I really believe that He has my best in mind and wants what's best? Do I really believe that it is worth it to forsake everything but Him? Do I really believe that His way is best?

I'm gonna venture an educated guess here and say that the answer is unequivocally and simply, no. I do not really believe Jesus is enough. I can't can I? If I did, my actions would be different. If I did my attitudes, thoughts and words would be different. If I truly believed that following Jesus first and foremost and forsaking the things of this world was worth it then I would be living way differently. I'm not saying I'm not a Christian. I know I am most definitely saved and forgiven. I know I am hard on myself too. But I'm judging myself by God's standard, not this worlds.

I don't know exactly how this is going to be remedied but I know something needs to change. I need to settle in my own heart what I know in my head. Yes it is most definitely worth it. I know this to be true. I know it. But I want to live it, not just know it. I will be wrestling with this for a while and hopefully sharing how God continues to prove His faithfulness.

The Title Says It All

It's been a while since I've posted anything other than book reviews. Does this girl do anything but read? I'm sure that's the question that's been burning a hole in your mind. Well to answer your question so you don't end up with a huge gaping hole in your head, yes. Yes I do much more than read, though I do love to read. We have actually been living out our blog title lately. Life has been a little crazy.

Initially, a while back, during the winter we began looking to purchase a home. Many moons later, spring arrived and with it a change of heart. (This is the very condensed version). We decided to keep renting, only we were still looking for a new place for many reasons, many of which include our awful summer here last year. You can go back and read that post if you'd like. Anyway, to bring you to the present we were finally able to secure a place that we like and should be a good fit for us. So now begins the fun time of getting all the details worked out. Packing, moving, getting all the utilities and mail switched over. We don't move in until May, but time is going fast.

We are excited though. It's an upgrade in space and is on the top floor of a condo complex. It looks as though we will have many older neighbors but very nice and very rule-abiding. The laundry will be in the same building as well, which is a definite move in the right direction. It's closer to my sisters place and to church and our favorite park. We are happy. I'll have to post some pics once we get all settled in.
In the meantime here is a picture of spring to leave you with.

Book Review: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins

When Katniss Everdeen steps up to take her place as a contender in the Hunger Games she views it as a death sentence. 24 kids are placed as contenders this "game" arena every year to fight to the death as the world watches on, in horror and fascination. Who will win the games this year and how will it all go down? 

This book reminds me of a modern day "Lord of the Flies-esque" reality show. It's actually a showcase of humanity at it's worst. And I'd like to say that I wish we would never reach the point where we are so far removed that we forget we are all humans and all equal, but I know that will never be the case since we are already there. Maybe not you personally. However, since the beginning of time we have been guilty as humans as not treating each other as equal. With sin came death and murder. It is extremely hard for me to fathom why we view some humans as more worthy of life than others. 

This story was completely unique and like none I have read before. I enjoyed the fast-paced nature of it and was intrigued to see what was going to happen. I was horrified by the situation itself and so sad for the predicament that the main characters found themselves in. It was very violent, but I suppose there is no way to make a fight to the death un-violent. I am ready for the next book though...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Book Review: Room

by Emma Donoghue

I really enjoyed this book and I think the author truly accomplished what she set out to do. This tale is told completely through the eyes of a five year old boy, Jack. He is born and raised in "room" with his Ma. It's all he knows and all he's ever known his whole life.

As time goes on Ma starts to make him aware that there is a world beyond room. It's hard for him to believe but she plans an escape and life will never be the same.

Even though there is a terrible story that sets the scene for the book, it is portrayed with such innocence and gentleness that cannot help but draw you in. After all, a five year old boy is only capable of understanding and comprehending so much and yet at the same time it is his perspective on life that makes you realize how us adults sometimes can get things so wrong.

I definitely recommend this read. I have heard it might be made into a movie as well. You can learn more by visiting the book website. (The link is above)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Book Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

Do not read this book unless you have a really strong stomach, and even then, I can't say that I would recommend it. is a good thriller. It does keep you guessing and wanting to unravel the mystery. However, that's about the only good thing I can say about it.

There's alot of sex and violence and often together. It's very graphic and there are things I wish I had never read. This surprised me somewhat because I've read some pretty violent and psychopathic books by Ted Dekker. What I think makes the difference is that Dekker's books have a redeeming quality. There is a reason, there is hope. This book did not have that hope. It's depressing and so awfully sad that I wanted to cry at every turn. The characters are so depraved and selfish. I could not relate to many of them.

Needless to say, I would strongly caution against the movie. I haven't seen it, but I can't imagine wanting to see this book come alive, I didn't even like it flat on the page. Please, save yourself the trouble on this one and let your mind dwell on more wholesome things.