Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seriously #2

I was reading the paper this weekend which is something I like to avoid because it usually leaves me feeling depressed. Anyhow, I came across a crazy little article about a case that was dismissed in court. I am so happy it was dismissed but what got my attention was that the case was submitted at all. Two very well to do young adults were suing their mother for “bad parenting.” Seriously? First of all if people could sue for that, the legal system would be jam packed. No one is perfect. But their “evidence” was ridiculous: a birthday card that was not liked. Not getting a pony or something like that. Seriously? If anything the parents are guilty of raising spoiled brats and the kids are guilty of immaturity. That’s my verdict. And here’s my sentence: Grow up and be thankful for all you have! Be thankful you had parents who provided for you!  

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