Sunday, August 7, 2011

Peace amidst Chaos

I'm not sure how everyone else feels in this world we live in right now, but I feel like things are getting a bit chaotic. The economy is in the tank. Human oppression and trafficking is at an all time high. There are millions without basic necessities while to say that others live lavishly is an understatement. There have been crazy weather patterns causing much devastation around the globe. There is unrest in many countries. It seems to me that most everyone is saying or thinking, "What's going on?"

I was pondering things this morning, early morning. I awoke to what sounded like gun shots at 3am this morning. I think they were actually some really big fireworks. But at 3 am woken up from a sound sleep yet again I was a little paranoid as to what they could be. It didn't help that I read about a car break in last week in our apt. parking lot. I think I'm just getting paranoid in general. So I thought about crime and I thought about our economy and all the things I mentioned above. And I came up one thought. The world is going mad! And there is only one remedy for that. I began to pray.

There is no answer for the chaos and evil in the world, save one. Jesus Christ! And honestly, I don't know how people live in this crazy world. If I did not have assurance of the final victory, and know my future is secure I think I would either be one of two people. I would be depressed, terribly so and probably want to just die, or I would just live it up and not care because I'm gonna die anyway. I am so grateful that because of Jesus work in me that I don't have to be one of those people. I can stand amidst the chaos and have peace.

I love that Jesus offers that peace to us all if only we trust Him. He is so good. It is so reassuring in these crazy times to know there is a God who actually is in charge and has a plan and will one day make everything right again.

Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. The insanity of the world is definitely on many minds lately. I'm glad what you heard was not gunfire, I can account for the feeling of hearing shots so close to home. We have Peace, and Peace is with us even when we can't seem to grasp Him.
