Sunday, August 7, 2011

CAN Concert

Many of you received an invite from me to come and join us last Sunday evening for the 1st annual CAN Concert. The group we've been a part of at church, Christian Advocacy now, put on a great event.  John played the drums in the band and they did a great job! We sold food and goodies and all the proceeds went to a Kenya well project to build wells for clean water. We were able to raise about $1500, which is totally amazing.

Setting up for the event

The Palatine Bandshell. Things were just getting started.

My friend Lisa and I working the ticket tent.

Not only did we raise money but another goal of the event was to raise awareness about our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith. Some are facing the probability of execution and their only crime is being a Christian. It is a terrible injustice!

As I have been a part of this group for about 2 years now my mind and heart have been opened to so much oppression and injustice going on in the world. God has been challenging me to continue learning about his children around the world. I have become aware of slavery and trafficking. I have been made aware of the extreme poverty of so many in Africa and Asia. I think we like to pretend these things don't exist, but they very much do!

As depressing as it can be it is on God's heart to care for the least of these. And there are things that you CAN do. That's what this group is all about. Awareness and motivation to do what we can. A large part of that is praying. When was the last time you took time out to pray for those around the world, specifically? You CAN do it. I CAN do it.

I could steal president Obama's slogan here, "YES WE CAN." But this is one you can take to the bank because we are not on our own and with God's help and Jesus truth being proclaimed we actually CAN make a difference. Get on board!

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