Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I think I am going to start a new series in this blog called "Seriously?" There are so many things I run across on a weekly, sometimes daily basis that just make me shake my head and say, "Seriously? Are you kidding me?" Sometimes it's things I read. Sometimes its things I hear. Regardless, there are so many things out there that you just have to wonder about.

So today's Seriously? :

The Grapple

I read about this in the Food Network Magazine. The powers that be have modified nature and created an apple that tastes like a grape. Seriously? What is the purpose of that? If you want a fruit that tastes like a grape there is a fruit like that out there. It's called a grape! If you want an apple, eat an apple. I have never once in my life bit into an apple and thought, "Gee, I really wish this tasted more like grapes. That would be the epitome of greatness." What's next? Maybe they can make it a little rounder and smaller, and maybe purple or green. Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. right on... I love how you write Becky. I feel I like I can hear you talk when I read your stuff!
