Sunday, August 7, 2011


This Friday evening my husband and I essentially had a "play date" with a couple of our friends. They had us over for a "trip" to Narnia. And you know what? I had a marvelous time! Who doesn't love Narnia!?

I wish I had pictures but you will just have use your imagination as I describe the journey. After we entered the house we were beckoned to the sitting room where we awaited the great feast of Aslan's table with an assortment of books on all things Narnian. We chatted and then were graced with the presence of two beautiful Narnian princesses all dressed up for the feast. (Lisa's girls were adorable).

Eventually we made the trek up the mountainside (stairs) to where the feast lie. It was revealed and I was delighted. It truly looked like what I imagine a Narnian feast to be. There were pyramids of fruit, cheese, meats, breads and cakes, soup, spreads and of course some turkish delight. I felt like a queen of Narnia as I dined on the delicacies before me. They were absolutely scrumptious! It was a lovely dinner that was able to linger as one imagines a true feast should!

Once we had our fill the princesses retired to get the beauty sleep and the Kings and Queens returned back down the mountain to go on the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. (We watched the movie). I love CS Lewis and his imagination and allegory. It is so simple and yet so profound. The man was a genius.

We had such a magnificent time with our friends. And the only question I have to ask is who said kids get to have all the fun?

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