Monday, June 27, 2011

NC BBQ Picnic

We decided that this summer we wanted to have our small group over to our place and introduce them to true NC BBQ. Midwest pulled pork or ribs are nice, but NC style is really good too. So we set the date and time and this past Saturday had our party.

It was the first time we've ever had so many people over to our tiny apartment or cooked for so many so it presented some challenges for sure. But we rose to the occasion and had a blast with it. John was a huge help and I could not have gotten everything done without him.

We got up early and got the meat in the oven. It wasn't an ideal day to have the oven on all day because it got really hot up in here but what can you do. The only way to have super tender meat is to cook low and slow. And it did come out very tender.  John is my meat man and chopper. He did the rub on the meat and pulled it apart once cooked. He also chopped the cabbage up for slaw.

The Meat Rub
John trimming off some fat and rubbing the rub into the meat

Getting ready to chop up the cooked meat. Careful with that knife Johnny!

Carolina pulled pork

John chopping up the cabbage for slaw
While he ran some errands I peeled and chopped peaches for cobbler.

They smelled so yummy

Cobbler before it hit the oven
Then I made some baked beans, recipe compliments of Mom Cox and the finale was hushpuppies. And I have to say I was scared of the hushpuppies because I hate working with the splattery hot oil but this time it actually worked out really well and I was so proud of myself. I think I may even have to do it again in the not so distant future.  The only problem is those are so adictively good that I can't make them too often.

Hushpuppie Batter

Fry baby fry!

Me actually happy that I'm not burning myself

We ran a tight, but relaxed ship and with our quick lunch break were able to sit down and rest a few minutes before our first guests arrived. It was looking a little cloudy all day so we weren't sure if the rain would hold off. Thank God, it did. Everyone came and we introduced them to the food. We all got plates and of course sweet tea. (I forgot to mention we made 5 gallons of that as well.) Then we headed outside and had a little picnic.

Our Iced Tea Maker proved itself. After 9 runs it was still alive.

It turned out great. The kids were able to play and we all just had a really nice time. Most people enjoyed the food too which was really nice. I think we were all stuffed to the max, especially after the cobbler and ice cream sundaes. Ah....good weather + good food + good friends = Great time!

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