Sunday, July 10, 2011

Destination: India

I am sitting here listening to the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack as I write this for a few reasons. One reason is because I have it stuck in my head and really like it and the second reason is to continue to get into an Indian frame of mind. Today we "went to" India via food and travel dvd. Pretty much the same way we went to Japan a while back. This time though we brought some friends along with us for the ride. That was a nice touch!

I will admit traveling to India was much more difficult a challenge than Japan. For starters I had little idea what anything would taste like only having tried Indian food once in my life many moons ago. Even then I don't know what I ate. So choosing recipes that would be enjoyed by all was not easy. I had picked up a cookbook from the library but had to scrap that. However, by the end of the week with still no idea what to make I hit the jackpot with the Food Network website. I found a million recipes that sounded delicious. Then it was just a matter of narrowing down what I wanted to make. That was a challenge too for this indecisive girl.


Mango Iced Tea
Nan and Another wheat flatbread (the name escapes me)
Dips for the bread given to me by my dear friend Lisa (Dal Makhani & Palak Paneer)
Hot Indian Snack Mix
Aloo Gobi (Cauliflower & Potatoes)
Basmati Rice (This came out perfect following this recipe. I didn't even need the rice cooker)
Coleslaw with Cumin-Lime Vinaigrette
Vegetable Curry with Mango Salsa Sambal
Dessert: Mango Kulfi (Indian Mango Ice Cream) 
This one did not work out :(
Dessert: Vanilla ice cream with mangos, raspberries compliments of Lisa, and chocolate syrup

Once the menu was decided the next challenge was finding all the ingredients. Luckily we live in a very international city and I was able to locate an Indian grocery store not too far from our place, Patel Brothers. So John and I headed out on our first adventure there. It had really tight aisles and was busy but we were able to find everything we were looking for.

Spices and snack mix I got from the Indian store.
We also got some flat breads not pictured.
Next step was shopping for produce. I think I picked a recipe with about every vegetable imaginable. I actually felt bad for the checkout girl because I had a billion bagged veggies.

I love how fresh and inviting the colorful vegetation looks!
Only when I got home did I realize the mountain ahead of me. While all those veggies look delicious and they are, they needed to be prepared. And that means lots and lots of chopping. So I turned up the Indian tunes I got from the library and had at it. By the end of the night I had just about used every container I owned to store the veggies til morning.

After church today the cooking began and did go rather smoothly. The real question of course would be if everything was edible and tasty. It was hard to take pictures during the process because John was drumming so I was on my own to start. I did not have enough hands or time to do both, but we did get most of the finished dishes on camera. I was very excited that things seemed to be looking very much edible and smelled very aromatic.

One of the flatbreads. This one was a huge hit and I will definitely buy again.

Aloo Gobi. So Delicious and easy and I will be making again.

Coleslaw. This one I could have done without, but it was ok. We have lots leftover if you want any.
Once John got home he was able to help me with some dish washing, table setting and last minute photos before our guests arrived.

Who knew this tiny kitchen could be so international?

The bulk of the Vegetable curry. I did not get a shot with it all together.
Everyone did enjoy this though. Looks like Veggie stew.
Our semi-finished table, minus sliverware, glasses, tea, main dishes and some flatbread.
So in other words we didn't get a great "finished" shot either.
We finished everything up and just set the table when our guests arrived. I had to ask myself how many people I was cooking for because it looked like a feast. But of course I hadn't tasted anything yet. I know, that's a chef's number one rule about cooking, taste everything. Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not a chef. I'm just a girl who likes to cook. There is no Chef Ramsey in my kitchen!  It wasn't too far in though that I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. It was all good and everyone enjoyed it. We ate a lot and have a lot left over for this week. Yay for leftovers!

We so enjoyed our lunch together and after a brief clean up were able to watch a few travel dvd's about India. It is such an interesting culture and country. There is a vast array of diversity in food, culture and ethnicities between the various parts of the country that I was not aware of. Following our film trip we headed back to the table for some dessert and good conversation. Our time was drawing to a close, but what a sweet time it was.

Some of the dvd's and books I got from the library to aid us on our "journey"
It was so much fun to take some people along with us on our "trip." We did pray briefly for India before dinner and then again after our guests departed. In a country mostly Hindu or Muslim they are in need of the truth as well.

If I had to do it again I may have picked a simpler recipe than the one I did for the curry. It was pretty complicated. However, it all turned out great and I am so excited that my husband allows me to be creative and daring in the kitchen. So far so good. Well.....other than the dessert that flopped, but I will blame that on a lousy recipe :)

I feel like this trip was a learning experience for me in so many ways. Sometimes I allow myself to get so stressed out and most often its unfair expectations or burdens I put on myself. Then I get mad at myself and that stresses me out more. It's not a great cycle. And often I just need to let go, to give up control, to shrug my shoulders and say ok, let's do it and not look back. I second guess, and third guess and so on myself until I drive myself nuts. Anyway, so God was revealing some of this to me this morning as he filled me with his peace and love. I am so amazed by the God I serve.

Secondly it was very cool to get out of my comfort zone in the kitchen. I was using new spices and new recipes that I really had no idea of the taste. I'm not even sure what it's supposed to taste like. But it all worked out.

Thirdly, we were built for relationships. Deep friendships are such a gift and I cherish moments of connection with others. I was so thankful for our companionship this afternoon and just struck again by the goodness of  a God who blesses us in so many ways!

Fourthly I think I am discovering another passion in me that I never knew was there. God has totally been showing me who he made me to be and it's really cool. When I went through my life-changing discipleship/ missions program I chose a life verse for myself, one that I thought reflected my purpose in life.

I chose 1 Peter 4:8-10 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms."

I could understand why I felt this was a good verse for with everything except the hospitality part. I don't grumble, but I never thought that was something I was very gifted at. However, God is revealing otherwise to me. He has been showing me what an act of service, love and in turn worship this act can be. We may not be able to eat a feast everyday, that would be gluttony, but if anyone graces us with their presence at our house then I think God approves of us fixing a feast for a King. Because ultimately our goal is to give back to Him what He has given to us and to share His love with others.

I am so thankful that God knows us better than we know ourselves and continues His good work in us. This trip to India has been a wonderful journey and though it had it's moments of frustration and exhaustion it was also completely enlightening and uplifting.

Where should we go next?

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