Saturday, June 18, 2011

A New Do

I haven't cut my hair in a long time. I am usually not great at keeping up with it and once it got to a certain length I figured I might as well keep going so that I could donate my hair to locks of love. So I waited, and waited, and waited til I could wait no longer. So today was the day I went to get it chopped off.
Before back

Before front
First step was putting my hair in a ponytail, measuring out 12 inches and then snip snip and I felt free.
My ponytail cut off my head, ready to send in
Next my friend Kelly did a great job. I knew it was going to be short and I usually go with just a straight cut. She wouldn't let me, but I think she did pick something that is not too crazy for me but looks really nice as well. My family and John really like it.

After back

Final front
My hair has a natural whoosh to one side and doesn't like to cooperate with curling into my face, but I really like it too. Thanks Kelly, "you done good." And now I feel free for the summer. Yay!

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