Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2 Years!

We have made it to our 2 year anniversary! It's hard to believe that it's already been 2 years. In so many ways it feels like just yesterday that we were planning the wedding. I can honestly say, and I know John agrees that it's been a wonderful 2 years. I have been enjoying marriage more than I thought I ever would.

We decided on a small celebration this year and we went to our favorite Hawaiian restaurant, The Tiki Terrace that catered our wedding. They have amazing food and the atmosphere always brings us back to our wedding/honeymoon. So it's a perfect choice. Every year we go I wonder if the food will be as good as the last time. Every year it does not disappoint!

We started out with our usual appetizer.
Taro Chips & Pineapple Salsa
We both decided to try something different this time for our entrees. John's was ok but mine was stupendous and I would highly recommend it.

A Mahi burger. I don't think it was one of our favorites on the menu.
It's a little blander than some other choices.
The Maui Mahi
This was amazing! It was breaded Mahi and had a sweet / spicy asian sauce
Last but not least we had to get our wedding cake. Yes, this is the cake we used for our wedding because it is only the most delicious cake either of us has ever tasted. I'm not exaggerating either!

Haupia Coconut Cake
(This picture doesn't do it justice, but it's AMAZING!)
We had a super nice relaxing time re-visiting Hawaii and if you're ever in the mood to get away I would highly recommend it. The prices are very reasonable too!


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