Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our "Moment"

Last Sunday we were at church for an event. Afterwards we headed out to the parking lot to leave and I noticed there was some paint scraped off on the back right side of our car. It looked like someone had side swiped the back end. Upon further inspection we noticed that there was a rubber part on the back end, near the tire, that was completely ripped from where it was supposed to be attached as well. We were poking and prodding  and pondering when this could have happened and how it would be that I wouldn’t have noticed it before now. Then I moved to the back bumper and noticed some more scratches and even some bolt marks. I was completely clueless and confused. It was about that time that John, after trying to unlock the car unsuccessfully a few times and looking at the license plate, came to the realization that this was in fact, NOT our car.

I’m not sure which I felt more of, relief or embarrassment. I think I’ll go with relief, since there was no one else in the parking lot. Thank goodness! As we walked a few cars over to OUR car we just both had to laugh at ourselves. We are a pair, that’s for sure!

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes.. I have done similar, and I think when there were other people around. I had to just play it off like I was having "moment" and that things like these never really happen to me.. but we both know... that it DOES!!
    I miss you and hope to catch up soon!
