Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring is Coming

Life is always a little crazy...hence the title of our blog. This past few months I feel like our decision to buy or not to buy (a condo) has been consuming our thoughts and actions. Soon it will come to a culmination.

Winter is ending and with it decisions will be made. Life will turn a corner and head in a new direction. I am sitting here this morning listening to the birds singing. Birds singing, a beautiful sound I haven't heard in a while, a reminder of fresh starts and change. A reminder that the cloudiness will give way to sunshine. A reminder that change can be a wonderful thing.

I am so looking forward to spring! I want to hear the birds sing again. I hate when my alarm wakes me up, but if the birds singing wakes me up, it's somehow much more soothing. I look forward to the changes that are to come. Bring it on Spring! I am ready for you!

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