Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fun Gifts

Christmas has come and gone but the remnants will last a long time. We still have many cookies left over, which I am not complaining about. It's rather nice in fact. I know there will come a day when I go to have my tea and cookies and find that the there are, in fact, no more cookies. That will be a sad day. But for now, that day seems quite far away. Of course we have the wonderful memories. We also have some gifts.

I was rather excited this year about giving John his gift because I know it's something he's wanted for a while. And he loved it, which just made my day!

So here is my ode to three gifts we received this year that I thought were rather fun:

Here's to my "Little Drummer Boy", now you can use an actual drum at home.

Here's to the smiles that my Muppet's Snuggie brings to my face every time I put it on. Thanks Jen.

Here's to the most creative gift we received...cold hard cash! Thanks Mom.

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