Monday, January 9, 2012

Heaven is For Real

As most of you know, I read alot. I read fiction, non-fiction, Christian living, kids books, all kinds. I really enjoy reading. I love learning and imagining and books are the perfect avenue for those activities. In the course of my life as a reader I certainly have my favorite authors and books. In all of my reading, though, I don't know that any book, other than the Bible,  has quite impacted me the way this book has.

It's a short read. I read it in one sitting in under 3 hours. It's very easy to understand. However, it will rock your world! I feel like my passion for my Savior has been renewed a hundred fold and I am in love with this amazing God/man who redeemed me and waits to greet me one day.

I had heard about this book and have always been a little skeptical of near death experiences or people who claim to have died and had these "experiences" and then come back. So naturally, I was skeptical of this book as well. However, nothing in this book was contradictory to scripture. In fact most of what was shared was very much consistent with what the Bible teaches about Heaven. The evidences for the reality of this little boy's trip to heaven are astounding and I am choosing to believe them because there is no other choice, logically. There is no way he could have known some of the things he shared. If you are a Christian, you will be encouraged and dazzled by his story. If you're not, all I can say is what Colton said, "you really, really, need Jesus."

Throughout the book, as the story unfolds of his visit to heaven, his family would play a game and show him all these various pictures of Jesus to see if they could find one to match the likeness of the Jesus that Colton saw in heaven. Of course, none fit the bill. Towards the end of the book they show him one more picture thinking it will be wrong too, but this one is right. Not only is this one right, but unbeknown to him, this painting was done by a young girl who claimed she went to heaven as well. Could this be what Jesus actually looks like? Granted, I don't think any picture can do justice to his Glory and Majesty in Heaven. But still, is this what Jesus the man looked like? This picture took my breath away and I find myself longing to be with Him. It stirred something in me, passion. My husband was taken with it in a similar manner.

Oh that we may have the faith of children and the boldness to proclaim what we know to be true. Jesus is alive! Heaven is real! And there is only one way to get there! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."

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