Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Lesson on Sin Inspired by Coffee

Why did I choose to drink the regular coffee for dinner? One can only speculate what was going on in my mind when I made the actual choice. Even I am not completely sure what I was thinking. I suppose my line of reasoning went something like this: “This is what John made and I really want coffee with our breakfast for dinner meal. Maybe if I just have one cup it will be ok. Maybe the caffeine won’t bother me this time.” So basically, I want it and maybe the normal consequences will somehow bypass me.

Hold up.

Isn’t that our justification for sin most times? “I want it. There’s no “good” reason why I shouldn’t have it. Besides, I’m sure any consequences won’t be that bad. There probably won’t be any at all.” Uh, yeah. That’s not really logical is it? All of our actions have consequences and every sin has a consequence that will catch up with us in one way or another.

So back to my coffee story. I drank it, despite my better judgment. And as I lay awake all night because of the caffeine that I was sure would have no effect on me this time, I pondered these thoughts about sin. I pondered Paul’s words about doing the things I don’t want to do, and not doing the things I should. I asked myself again and again why I chose to drink it knowing what it might do to me. And I could give myself no good answer.

Sin is like that. We choose it, again and again, with no good reason to offer for why. We are sinners. That’s why I’m so thankful for Jesus and His Spirit in us to help us make the right choice. Jesus, next time help me choose decaf or none at all!

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