Sunday, November 20, 2011

My first Polenta

I love trying new recipes and foods. The last two Sunday's I've been able to do just that and it's been a blast. This week I tried a recipe from the Cooking Light magazine: Parmesan Polenta and Spicy Sausage Sauce. And a side of sauteed spinach on the side.

The spicy tomato sausage sauce

The polenta- BEFORE

Fresh Spinach

The complete meal!

I think it would have come out great if I had used a different sausage. It called for a sweet italian chicken sausage and I got something completely different, more like a smoked sausage. You can tell I rarely buy sausage. Anyway, so instead of a more Italian feel it kinda had a cajun, gumbo kinda taste. So I suppose if you really like that than it would be great for you.

Overall though, I think it's worth another shot, with some minor corrections. We have a ton left over so we'll be eating it again tomorrow night and probably freezing some as well.

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