Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Apples Doesn't Necessary Mean 3 Apples

I set out to make my first apple pie on my own. I got a nice simple recipe for pineapple, apple pie which looked delicious. I did the easy thing and bought refrigerated pie crusts instead of making my own. I had bought some apples last week. Really, I've been buying apples every week since September and am sad that the season will be coming to an end. But maybe I'll find some really good deals on bulk apples they need to get rid of.

Back to the pie...So the recipe called for 3 apples. I had 3 apples and followed the instructions to the tee. But when I filled my pie crust to the max I still had at least 1/2 the filling left in the bowl. I called my husband over to ask him his thoughts on the matter. There was obviously no way all that filling was supposed to fit in that small pie crust. I re-checked the recipe to see if I had done something wrong. He checked too. Nope. So all I can figure is my apples were really big. This is indeed true, but how am I to know whether or not to use small apples or large apples for the recipe? It does not specify.

However, all is not lost and in fact it turned out quite well. The package I bought had two pie crusts so I just had to make 2 pies instead of one. They came out quite tasty and we will be finishing off the second tomorrow. Yummy. Not bad for a first try.

Before in the oven

All ready to be chowed down!

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