Sunday, July 17, 2011

Spontaneity is the Spice of Life!

I am a planner. I plan everything and sometimes have to remember that life can't always be planned. Today was a day, however that I did not plan. I was spontaneous and a simple question turned into a wonderful date with my husband. 

After church today we had one errand to run, go to Target. We headed to our car in the church parking lot after the service and that's when I asked my simple question, "Do you want to walk?" (Target is not that far from church) My wonderful husband said yes (even though it was in the 90's today). So we started out on our trek to Target. Most of the side streets were shaded so that helped, but the closer we got the less shaded it became and we were both pretty hot by the time we got there. 

We had a leisurely stroll through Target picking up the few items we needed and cooling off in the process.  We made another spontaneous decision at that point and that was to go out to lunch to the little fast food restaurant by Target. They have great gyros and ice cream. So we went to Nikkos for lunch, split a gyro and fries and then got some delicious flavored soft serve ice cream to go. 

It seemed like a good idea to me, in theory, to walk back with our ice cream in tow so it would keep us cool on the "long" journey. turned out to be quite the adventure being as hot as it was outside. The ice cream was melting as soon as we got outside and we couldn't keep up with it fast enough. By the time we were halfway back the ice cream was gone and what wasn't gone was on our hands, faces and shirts. It was only then I had the thought, "Maybe it would've been better for us to get it in cups." But then we would have missed out on the fun of ice cream on a hot summer day! 

And all that happened just because I asked, "want to walk?"

Maybe I should practice spontaneity more often.


  1. Amazing how "want to walk" turned into a nice mini-adventure. For further proof on the power of spontaneity see Jesus' words, "Follow me."

  2. I hadn't thought of that but what a great example. Thanks for that!
