Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Changes

This fall season has been wonderfully mild overall and gorgeous as usual. I love the changing leaves. I don't however love the colds that have been going around. I've been fighting with a cold for a few weeks now. I think I am winning, but you just never can tell with these persistent little guys. I think John has begun to get a little congested as well. Hopefully he will fight better than me. 

The squirrel that hangs out on our patio. We named him Wally. He likes to run up and down the wood from our place to the neighbors above us and back down again. 

We've had Star Wars on the brain recently. We had a Halloween party this weekend that we were dressing up for. I had found some discounted Star Wars costumes at a garage sale a few years back so we decided to dress up as a Storm Trooper (me) and Darth Vader (John). It was alot of fun. In preparation we watched the original Star Wars trilogy between last weekend and this one. I hadn't watched them through in quite some time. They were still good. It does boggle my mind though how one trilogy can have such a huge impact on our culture. 

For the same Halloween party I tried to make some cheesy breadsticks to bring. They were called Ooey Gooey Witch Fingers. The picture looked cool so I gave it my best shot. I've never made homemade dough before and I don't think it came out quite like it was supposed to, but I went ahead anyway. They did taste ok but most of the cheese snuck out of the dough while cooking. Sneaky cheese. Anyway, so they were not quite as ooey and gooey, but they did look like witch fingers, or monster fingers. I enjoyed them anyway. 

Next weekend we are going to Kansas for my friends wedding so we only have a 4 day work week. Work has been crazy so I need to work hard for these 4 days. Yay for 4 day weeks. 

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