Friday, October 1, 2010

Our Wrigley Adventure

We were blessed by some new friends to get to go to the last home game at Wrigley Field this year to watch the Cubs game. It was a chilly day and I certainly felt more like I was bundling up for a football game than a baseball game. Nonetheless we were prepared to go and have a good time.

We met up with our friends and took the train down there. We got in, got our seats and settled in for some typical Cubs baseball. The Cubs were losing 4-0 in the first inning. Before we even had a chance to eat things were looking sad. John and I each got a hot dog and shared a bag of peanuts, typical ball park food. Gotta love it!

As the game went on it did slowly get better and the Cubs began making a slow come back. It got a little exciting and definitely made the cool breeze less noticeable. Overall, we were just having a fun time at the ball park hanging with some new friends and enjoying America’s favorite pastime. That was, until after the 7th inning stretch. It was about that time John started not feeling too good.

He left to go to the bathroom, like one typically does when your stomach is churning. Only a few moments passed and an Usher came and got me to tell me my husband was sick and they were taking him to first aid if I wanted to come. Of course I wanted to come. So we all took a field trip to first aid. Not too exciting down there but at least everyone was nice. I found out when we got there that John never made to the bathroom, but he was able to find a garbage and throw up 3 times. He was also incredibly cold and had the chills. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. I am usually warming myself up on John, not the other way around. His hands were icy. Crazy!

So we just stayed in first aid til the end of the game. John was not looking or feeling so hot (both literally and figuratively). We met up with our friends and had to make the trek back to the car. I felt so bad for John because there weren’t too many options since we had walked and taken the train. He was a trooper though and made it. Not without another trip to the garbage can outside the train station, but at least he made it. Since he just got another round out of his system we figured he could make it to my parents house which was much closer than going all the way home. The bad thing is that we had his car, which is manual and I can’t drive. I felt so helpless because I couldn’t even drive him.

We did make it to my parents house and John just crashed on the bed. He was so cold and ill. We warmed him up with some blankets and hot tea. He rested. It was pretty evident that he was in no shape to drive home so I had to leave him at my parents over night while my dad gave me a lift home. He did throw up one more time before I left and then his temp went up, so that was good. It was hard saying goodbye to my husband and leaving him there sick. I wanted to be there taking care of him. But I know he was in good hands and there wasn’t anything more I could do.

The next day he slept in late and was feeling much better. He was able to work and able to eat dinner. He still seems to be recuperating some of his strength and his stomach is still a little sensitive but he is getting better everyday. We are guessing it must have been food poisoning from something he ate. It must have been from the game, his hot dog? Who knows. Either way, we’re happy he’s doing better and I think it’s a good thing we won’t be going to another game this year. It’s always an adventure!

He’s all better now!

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