Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Work has been extremely crazy for me lately and I definitely welcomed this 3 day weekend. While we did do some relaxing we had a very full and fun weekend starting with Saturday morning. We woke up early to head to Bloomington, IL with some of John's extended family that lives nearby. We were able to visit with some of John's relatives down there that haven't seen him in a l-o-n-g time, so that was really neat.

A restored Camaro that John couldn't wait to check out

While down there we were able to pick some apples from family backyards. I came home with 3 huge bags of apples. So most of Sunday was spent making apple things: applesauce, apple cobbler and apple ice cream to accompany it. We got to eat the cobbler and ice cream today and it was good! I love free food!

I know John really loved being out there in the "country" as well. And I even enjoyed a little more space. Got me thinking it might not be so bad to move out of the city a little bit more.

Wind turbines graced much of the landscape we saw

Sunday, as I mentioned was our apple cooking day and grocery shopping and dishes and dinner. It was a busy day. Though we did get some tennis in too. I really am enjoying playing tennis with John so much! We are both about the same level so it's really competitive and we have to play hard to be in contention to win. It's a great workout!

Today we met up at my sister's house with my parents and had a relaxing time. Played a little tennis, ate alot and watched some Office episodes. It's always nice to have a laid back day chillin' with the family. Overall it was such a great weekend. I am not ready to head back into the craziness but I know it is only for a season. Speaking of seasons. I know fall is fast approaching but I was also able to enjoy the art of summer this weekend too and I leave you with a few parting pieces of summer art.

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